subject: Learning From Others - Tips On What You Should Learn From Others To Grow Your Home Business [print this page] Learning from others is a requirement if you want to become successful in your online home business. In my article "Grow Your Online Home Business By Learning From Others", I outlined some sources of learning where you could get valuable information that can lead to success in business. But which kind of information do you have to look for? How do you get this information?
Well let's begin by looking at why it's important for you to learn from others. As I have always mentioned, the best way to learn what you don't know is either by getting someone else to teach you or by reading a book to learn and apply the knowledge learnt.
If what you intend to do is being done successfully by others or somewhere, then it saves you a lot of time, energy and resources if you can find the source where it's done or the person who did it. If you choose to work it out by yourself, it can take too long and you risk getting disappointed down the road. Why suffer alone with your own thoughts in the head when there is so much information available and so many ideas that you can benefit from?
As you learn from others, be careful to select the right sources and people. Remember that some people can discourage you with their negative thinking and experiences. Be selective with what you take on board and what you ignore.
Learning from others requires you to have an open and inquisitive mind. Get to know what you want and have a plan of getting information and using it. Remember that you are getting information that you can apply to grow your business. It's therefore important to know that information acquired and not used gets out of your head due to the principle of disuse.
Which information should you learn from others?
1. Systems and methods. For example, what marketing methods are you going to use that will work best for you?
2. Problems that you may encounter. For instance, I have come across many challenges since I started my online home business, but I have always received support from experienced and competent online marketers and web designers from the Warrior Forum, where I am a member.
3. Online marketing ideas. Which online marketing ideas will work for you best?
4. Mistakes to avoid. Many online marketers have fallen victims of small business marketing mistakes. Find out what works and avoid what doesn't work.
5. Suppliers of the services you need to make your online home business successful. As an online marketer, there are a lot of products and services that you need to do your business. You need to know where to find the best products and services.
To learn from others, it's always a good practice to plan to get information following a logical sequence. The following tips can be of great help to you.
1. Jot down a list of all the things you want to know.
2. Write down some of the questions for which you want answers.
3. Make a decision on how you will get the information you want. Identify who are the best people to speak Identify the best sources of getting information.
4. Make a plan Get to know how to keep record of the information you get.
5. Which questions should you ask the people you have identified?
To effectively learn from others, you should know the kind of questions to ask. What you want is to get information that will help you to grow your online home business. It's therefore important to know the kind of questions to ask. Here are examples of some of the questions you can consider asking.
1. What's the most important factor that has made you to succeed in your online business?
2. What are the biggest challenges you have encountered?
3. How did you overcome those challenges?
4. How did you build a successful online marketing system?
5. What's most important to set up first?
6. What works best for you?
7. What didn't work for you?
8. Looking at what you know now, what would you pay most attention to?
There are many other questions you can think about to make your list exhaustive. The questions you ask will lead to very useful information you need to learn from others and use it as soon as you can to grow your online home business.
As I conclude, learning from others by taking their ideas and make them yours is a great way of succeeding in your business. Learn to use their experience to inspire you to get better ideas for your business. Learn what already works and make it a habit to practice life-long learning that will eventually help you to grow your online home business.
by: Charles Kiyimba
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