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subject: Don't Go Postal When You Can Choose Courier Companies Instead for your Shipping Needs [print this page]

Postal service mailing options have been around for years but did you know that courier companies can offer your business even better shipping options for your goods and other products? The postal service is a traditional way of shipping and because your company is familiar with it, you may not to think about couriers. However, what you do not realise is that a courier has more services and shipping features than the postal service.

Tracking and Safety

You will have a greater chance of your goods arriving safely and on time to their destination when you use courier companies. Thanks to the internet and improved technologies, you can track your shipment every step of the way, from your door to your customers. The postal service is a bit more laid back with their delivery time tables and they offer few guarantees. In addition, not all areas of the world offer tracking options through their postal service so couriers are a much more attractive option.


With a postal service, you have to go to their facilities in order to mail your goods. However, with couriers, you can schedule pick-ups at your convenience, whether it is at your own front door or another company location. In addition, if your customers needed to ship something back to you, you could arrange for a courier to pick the item up and have it delivered to you. The postal service does not offer this convenience.

Multiple Shipping Options

There are multiple shipping options available when you choose a courier service. For instance, you have access to express mail service with guaranteed next day delivery in many instances. Large packages or cases have the option of being shipped air freight or even by sea, depending on the type of goods. When shipping within the same country or continent, simple air courier options or even road travel options are available. You can even choose timed deliveries if it is crucial that your goods be delivered at a specific time. With the postal service, they may offer certain timed delivery methods but they do not typically guarantee their service.

Choosing a courier is not only a good move to ensure timely delivery of your products, it also enhances your own company's reputation with customers. Proven delivery of goods to them time and again reflects positively on your company which makes future sales much more likely. Customer loyalty in this global market is an invaluable commodity and a courier service can help you achieve it.

Don't Go Postal When You Can Choose Courier Companies Instead for your Shipping Needs

By: Chris Jenkinson

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