subject: What Patients Need To Understand - 7 Things From Top Fertility Doctors [print this page] Because more couples are putting careers ahead of family, having kids later in life, fertility issues have increased which means the need for top fertility doctors has increased as well. A couple is considered infertile if they have tried to conceive for at least one year without results. Fertility doctors can help diagnose what causes the fertility issues and can help a couple conceive the baby they've been waiting for.
1. Infertility is no one's fault. Between 10 and 15 percent of couples will discover that they have trouble conceiving on their own. On the whole, this isn't anyone's fault as fertility issues are possible in both men as well as women and have several causes which can be linked to age, hormone levels as well as physical and other issues.
2. There are not always obvious signs that point to infertility. While often women who suffer from infertility will get clues to their condition from missed or irregular periods, often there is no sign at all. Men will often not know that they have fertility issues until they are tested.
3. If you are over 35, start seeking fertility treatment after 6 months of trying. While younger couples are told to wait a year, it is important that older couples seek help as soon as possible. We become less fertile as we get older, so, it's important to do what you can to keep time on your side.
4. Results are not guaranteed. Although fertility treatments are very frequently effective, there is no 100% guarantee that they will work for you. You will want to go through a process that gives you a realistic outlook on what you can and cannot expect and you'll want to be accepting of the results, even if they're not positive.
5. You and your partner will need to undergo testing to identify reasons you have not been able to conceive. There are a wide range of issues that can be the cause of your infertility. By exploring all of the possibilities, your fertility doctor can figure out the best way to move forward and help you have a child.
6. There is a wide array of options for treating infertility. Infertility can be treated through drug-based therapy, surgery, IVF and other options. Keep an open mind to the array that is available to help you and your partner overcome infertility.
7. In-vitro fertilization is expensive, but effective. Treatments from skilled, US-based doctors can cost in excess of $10,000. Most often, more than one treatment session is required to get positive results but it does pay off as a very large percentage of patients who undergo IVF eventually succeed.
If you are having trouble conceiving, seek the help of top fertility doctors. They will help you go over all of the treatment options available and will do their best to help you have the family of your dreams.
by: Leona Coffin
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