subject: How To Quickly Recognize Early Liver Disease Symptoms [print this page] Unfortunately, early liver disease symptoms are very similar to symptoms of other health issues which have nothing to do with liver disease so realizing them for what they are is important. The earliest symptoms of liver disease, which often include loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea and fatigue that can mimic the symptoms of a slew of other conditions from the flu to a severe allergic reaction.
To be able detect liver disease early, you must know the symptoms that are more specific to issues with the liver. Early symptoms that specifically apply to liver disease issues include insomnia, easy bleeding from cuts, even small ones, issues with mental confusion and perhaps the most important ones to recognize, abdominal swelling and jaundice.
A swollen abdomen can occur due to many things that have nothing to do with major illness. Overeating, skipping meals and poor food choices can all lead to bloating and swollen abdomen. However, if the abdomen remains swollen for several days, having it checked by a doctor to make sure the symptom isn't something serious like liver disease is essential for your health.
Jaundice is probably the most obvious sign of liver issues. Jaundice is the yellowing of the body pigments due to waste backing up in the system. This yellowing eventually shows on the skin, but becomes obvious first in the eyes, which will tint yellow. If you begin to see a yellowing of the eyes, you need to go to a doctor as soon as possible. Even if jaundice is not due to liver disease, it is a serious condition that requires treatment.
Knowing early liver disease symptoms and detecting liver disease early is extremely important for everyone. The sooner the disease is detected, the sooner it can be treated, and the early treatment of liver disease proves more successful than treatments started at a later stage of the disease.
While there is no reason to get concerned right away over the more basic signs of liver disease, once you show signs of a regularly swollen belly, jaundice, including yellowing of the eyes or have an overall sense of discomfort after eating or when going to the bathroom, you should check in with a doctor and let them run some tests on your liver. A proper functioning liver is an important element of a healthy body. Without a functioning liver, waste will back up, which creates a number of other major health conditions and possible diseases.
by: Glinn Klienberg
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