subject: Bakery From The Buyers Prospective [print this page] Its the fantasy of every child to reside in an abode of cakes and cookies. The most cherished grub for a kid is the sweet delicacies of the nearby Bakery. Not just toddlers, even the fast paced ready to eat gen-next loves to hang out at the most happening Bakery of the town. A sweet tooth can even be an oldies weakness. Thus, Bakery is an evergreen business that lures people with its aroma to just stop by and satisfy their temptation.
An entrepreneurs perspective towards a lucrative business opportunity in a Bakery is thus not particular but wholesome just like the scope of it. Its imperative for prospective buyers to understand and fully analyze the characteristics and functions of the Bakery business.
I anticipate my article is going to help you out in getting familiar with certain necessary facts about this sweet section of the food industry. There are a few important points to ponder about before taking the final decision of buying one bakery business ready to be sold.
Bakers can be sole proprietors, partners or even a huge chain of outlets across a city or in different countries. They may be retailers, filling bellies of the general public or wholesalers, supplying to a number of small/big bakeries.
Apart from the cakes, cookies, breads and brownies, Bakeries these days offer appetizers like club sandwiches and burgers, beverages and chips for icing the cake of their business. This not only increases the sales/profit but also helps in increasing their customer base, thus giving them an edge over others in the competitive world.
Getting a little specific and money minded like a true business owner I would like to mention the most important thing to be kept in mind while making up ones mind about the purchase of any going concern business and that is the Capital required. The apprehensions from the outside might prove wrong or ill-estimated when the actual assessment and calculations regarding the installed machine or man power is done. Besides the existing technological or human resources, one needs to work out the abundance/just enough/extra/less availability of the resources if innovations need to be made.
Experience is a great teacher and failure is but a stepping stone on the ladder of success. I use these words of wisdom not to boast your morale but to hint you towards the follies made in the past. Bakeries cant pay you well if you go as per your preferences and prejudices. One needs to thoroughly study the taste of the potential buyers for ones products. Market study for both, purchase of inventory and sale of the finished goods is crucially important.
Along with the above mentioned important things to be kept in mind, personal hygiene of the baker and the owner and the cleanliness at the production site and the place of display and sale need to be ensured to develop and hold intact the faith of the customer in you. Your customer has a right to have every bit of information about the ingredients of the product he is paying for.
Hospitality industry demands a cordial relationship with the consumers. A smile on your face and humble tone of your speech can make you win hearts of millions who crave for the plethora of flavors offered at your doorstep.
Display window plays a very major role in welcoming people only through gaze. Taste is what follows in retaining them further to look up to you to serve them every time they want. Display of the most expensive and cheap cakes, cookies and other things has to be made precisely in an ample space both inside and outside the Bakery. Clumsy and dirty atmosphere is a sheer backdrop.
There is no specific time when rush is expected at a Bakery and also the owners usually work for hours together every day. However uncertain the time of the rush be, people would continue to cut cakes on their special days and commit the gluttony sin forever and ever!!
by: Rebeca
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