subject: Global Networking Tips [print this page] If you have been networking globally like the professional network Covington Whos Who provides its members, you may have run into some challenging and business threatening situations. While global networking is a wonderful way to expand business on a grand scale, it also has many potential drawbacks if not handled correctly. To avoid these tricky situations, you should take the time to educate yourself before global networking. These tips should prepare you for your research and enhance your global networking capabilities:
The Language:
The first and most obvious complication in global business networking is the language barriers. Make sure to do your research and avoid offensive phrases. In addition, make sure to be as understanding as possible. Those with English as a second language may not understand idioms or phrases you use every day. While language can and will affect international networking if dealt with correctly, it will only be a small bump in the road.
Business Hours:
Secondly, it is important to take into account time differences and constraints. It is imperative to research and find an appropriate time that works for both parties to communicate. Some cultures have very different business hours then the customary 8 to 5 you may be used to. Time can be difficult to work with, but with acceptance by both parties, it can hardly effect your global networking interactions. You may just learn not to expect an email back in the next hour.
In addition, the specific culture of your interactions should be taken into account. There are multiple culture components that should be researched prior to conducting interactions with those abroad. First, understand what the culture deems as important in their society. Various cultures value family or religion over work, or vice versa. This will help you better understand who you are working with and where they are coming from. Next, you should research the interests and popular culture of the international contact. Showing interest and knowledge in others culture shows you have done your research and are sincere. A little culture research may supply you with a new favorite movie or artist!
Business Etiquette:
Lastly, you should research the business etiquette of the given culture. This greatly avoids conflict as well as misunderstandings. For example, some cultures deem gifts as wildly inappropriate and they are seen as bribes, while others see them as a necessary part of doing business. A couple minutes researching the proper business etiquette of the given country can provide you with an insight into why a contact behaves the way they do. Some business practices you may think are strange could be everyday occurrences in their culture.
In conclusion, it is vital to do your research before global networking. The time it takes to do a small amount of research can save you loads in offensive and often times embarrassing behavior. When researching, make sure to look into the differences involving language, business hours, culture, and overall business culture of the individual you are networking with. Take the time to educate yourself and your global networking can and will take off!
by: Sarah
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