subject: Making Money Online Mastery - 3 Tips For Green Beginners [print this page] Greenies feel making money online is super easy or the hardest thing on earth. The middle ground is the true ground, at least until you become a pro and money flows to you easily. Work intelligently and persistently to prosper online. Resistance might slow you down but patience helps dissolve resistance in a big way. So prospering online is not extremely easy but the activity is not akin to brain surgery, or rocket science, where a high level of intellectual capacity is needed to succeed.
Honestly, I've seen all types of people succeed in the online arena. Former homeless people. Failures. People you might label former dirtbags. The weird thing about becoming rich? It's simply doing things in a certain way. You can be skinny or fat, smart of dumb, whatever. You do things in a certain way daily and you become rich online of offline.
Making Money Online Tips for Beginners
1 - Work Work Work Work Work Work
You gotta work! You gotta work! You make money by investing time and energy or money! You GET after GIVING persistently. Emphasis on persistently. No shortcuts no free lunches. As you grow a cash gifting team you might be amazed at the number of people who try to get something for nothing, or who give up on a system without giving it a real shot. Realize this: you are inherently lazy, and will give up at a moment's notice, until you make a full commitment to prospering online. Work!
2 - Mindlessness Sucks
"Work" does not mean acting like a beast of burden. Work intelligently. You have been blessed with a mind. Use it! Follow a proven system. Pick out a home business pro. Follow a leader. Use keywords in EVERy piece of content you create, to target your market. Work intelligently daily. No excuses. Hang out in targeted groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. Follow successful people. Do what they do. Create value to become valuable. Make strong connections with individuals to build trust.
3 - Persistence Wins
Write a blog post today. Tomorrow. Pen one each day for the next 3 weeks. Tired? Ready to give up? Good, I just gobbled up your prospects, because I post daily. See, I win because I persist. You lose because you give up. Newbies are ready to throw in the towel after writing 1 blog post a week, and seeing no leads. Sorry. Ain't gonna happen until you do what pros do.
If you opened up a brick and mortar business and stocked the shelves with NOTHING, would you expect to make money? If you run an online business and write no articles or blog posts, or shoot no videos, why do you expect to GET money if you GIVE nothing of value to your target market? Unless you are an extremely talented copy person - and few people are - nobody gives a rat's ass about your ads, either. Sorry. Valueless, ads are, unless you back them up with free value you share in the form of ebooks, or blog posts, or articles, or videos.
You need to persistently give value to receive value in the form of money, or prospering team members. Or you need to give money to persistently apply paid marketing methods, although you still need to use free methods like social media marketing to develop trust and accelerate your earnings.
Making Money Online - Summary
Work. Be mindful. Be persistent. Making money online grows easier after you follow the tips daily.
by: Ryan Biddulph
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