subject: Regular Breast Examination A Way To Prevent Breast Cancer [print this page] Breast cancer as evident from name is that type of cancer that starts in breasts of a person. Although men are not completely free of this disease, but woman is most targeted creature for breast cancer. Different types of breast cancer are there divided according to the parts of breast where they attack and hence grow. Two most prevalent types of breast cancer are;
Ductal carcinoma
Lobular carcinoma
Ductal carcinoma is the most occurring type of breast cancer. It attacks ductal part of breast (ducts are tubes in breasts to carry milk to nipples), and it is named as ductal carcinoma. According to degree of intensity, it is divided in two types those include
a.Ductal carcinoma in situ
This type of breast cancer starts in ducts due to the presence of malignant cells in ducts. It is not much harmful as it does not invade early in other breast tissues. Its early detection can completely heal this disease, however if it is not diagnosed earlier it can spread to other breast fatty tissues.
b.Invasive ductal carcinoma
Invasive ductal carcinoma is such a worst breast cancer that is not only difficult to diagnose early but it is crucial to treat as well. It starts in ducts and after attacking duct walls invades to other tissues of breast and hence spreading to other body organs causes other types of cancers in body.
Lobules are the glands in breast which manufacture milk. Lobular carcinoma is a cancer which is formed in lobules of breast. It is second most prevalent type of breast cancer in women. It is further divided into two types
a.Lobular carcinoma in situ
A set of abnormal cells in breast tissue which later on get cancerous are responsible for this cancer. Any symptom of this cancer is unlikely to appear that makes it difficult to diagnose this cancer earlier. It more often attack women lying in the age group of 20 to 50.
b.Invasive lobular carcinoma
Developing in the milk producing glands of breasts invasive lobular carcinoma starts breaking out to other breast tissues. In next stage it attacks other organs of body. It is in most cases diagnosed at later stages making it difficult to cure it.
Breast cancer screening
No matter whatever the type of breast cancer is, its good to hear that it can be cured but condition is that it should be diagnosed in earlier stages. For detecting breast cancer at initial stages it is important to follow a regular breast cancer screening plan. Breast cancer screening is very important to examine how your breasts look like in routine and how do you feel about them normally.
Performing a regular breast examination you become capable of screening your breasts for presence of breast cancer in you. While undergoing a breast examination you have to look for any odd change in your breasts, armpit area, and near collarbone like swelling, skin variations, constant pain, any lump, inverted nipples, or any discharge from a nipple that is not normal. These signs may be because of breast cancer occurrence in your breasts, so if you find any of these or some other odd changes you should immediately plan a visit to a physician. It is really a blessing if breast cancer diagnosed in very early stage and hence treated well.
by: Alley James
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