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subject: Is Assisted Living The Right Decision For My Family Member? [print this page]

As a family member gets older, there comes a time when they may need to be moved out of their home and into a community that can help take care of them. Assisted living, for example, is a great alternative because it offers both support and care services but also allows the resident to go about their day as freely as they want. These facilities are designed specifically to help residents with their daily activities such as bathing, grooming, and eating. But are these types of facilities right for your family member? Let's take a look and find out.

What's the Difference Between Assisted & Independent Living?

Assisted and independent living are both very much different in terms of the resident's responsibilities and how they go about living their lives while they are at these facilities. Independent living is a tad bit different than assisted living because independent living is generally described as any house or apartment where seniors over the age of 55 live together. Residents living in these types of places normally live like they would at their previous homes, have full independence, and can perform all of their normal daily rituals and activities. Assisted living, on the other hand, is catered more towards residents who have had a decline in their health in some way and need help with some of their daily tasks. Seniors in these types of facilities don't have as many daily responsibilities but still live in a social environment where they can hang out and talk with others and will be taken care of.

Costs Associated

This type of living can unfortunately be a tad bit expensive for many people. According to the national average, a normal single bedroom apartment costs around $3,000 a month or around $36,000 a year. This number may vary slightly depending on the facility's location or the type of room. As far as paying for the cost of living goes, most people opt for private funding out of their own pockets. If this isn't available, many insurance providers may cover assisted living costs.

Additional Bits of Information

When looking for the best possible facility for your family member, you need to also remember that there are state regulations. Any of these facilities around must follow certain policies and are regulated by the state to ensure that all residents are taken care of with the best possible care. Be sure to do research on your state's policies and when visiting these facilities, check to make sure that the facility is actually following the state's regulations.

As you can see, there are many factors to look at to determine whether assisted living is the right choice for your family member. Most residents in these facilities need help with activities in their daily lives but are also capable of doing certain things independently. Keep in mind to also consider the costs and to make sure that if you choose this type of facility, it follows state regulations. If these criteria sound like they would fit your family member, then this type of facility would be perfect for them.

by: clarkbrynnezra

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