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subject: A History Of The Child Family [print this page]

The surname Child is an ancient one that traces its origins to England in the days before the Norman Conquest. Derived from the Anglo-Saxon word cild, the name is thought to have originally applied to a soldier of noncommisioned rank in charge of a company of young children. As the name and English society evolved the name was later used to denote a young man preparing for knighthood.

Although the first recorded mention of the family name is found in Hertfordshire, members of the Child family spread throughout the British Isles and in succeeding generations into the empire's colonies and holdings. Members of the Child or Childe clan accompanied King Henry II in his conquest of Ireland and their descendants may still be found in Ulster and the north country.

In 1629 representatives of the family were among the Puritans immigrating to the New World in search of religious freedom, although Childs were found on both sides during America's war for independence. For example, Sir Josiah Child led the East India Company at the time rebel colonists held their famous tea party, while 22 men of the same name enlisted to fight the British after the attack on Lexington, Massachusetts.

In the 18th Century Baronet Sir John Child, also of the East India Company, was appointed governor of Bombay and oversaw the British posessions in India as the country's influence in that country surged.

The name became more closely associated with the peerage when George Villiers, Earl of Jersey, married the heiress of banker Robert Child and added the surname to his own by royal license in 1819. The banking firm of Child & Co. also stayed in the family to its great enrichment. The Child-Villiers family would subsequently make its mark in British politics throughout the days of the Empire.

Although many today would associate the name of Child with internationally famous chef Julia Child, the family has contributed and continues to contribute to society a wide range of accomplished members, including author Lincoln Child, abolitionist and women's rights activist Lydia Maria Child, English actor Jeremy Child and Australian actress Kirsty Child as well as business people like Canadian Arthur Child of Burns Foods and Englishwoman Helen Child, former Chief Executive at G-T-P Group Ltd. based in Lancaster, England. Helen Child was voted one of the Top Ten Most Powerful Women in Prepaid Industry and is a founding member of Prepaid International Forum.

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