subject: Smart Choices In Online Shopping Websites [print this page] With the advancement of computer literate people in India and the availability of affordable internet access, the online shopping websites have a promising and bright future. Increasing exposure to the west, satellite television and foreign magazines have contributed to the phenomenal rise of the Indian consumer and his demand for quality products.
The number of online sellers opening various online shopping sites is fast increasing. Many pioneered online shopping sites in India offering small scale retailers, who cannot afford websites of their own now or have little technical knowledge, to display and advertise their products on their portals. If tie-ups are made with the right E-Shopping in India , sellers can reach a wider market than ever before. Todays consumer has unlimited product options and bargains at his fingertips. One of the attractions of online shopping is the 24/7 access to it and that the consumer can buy mobiles, laptops, cameras, gadgets etc. from anywhere at any time.
The promise of secure online transactions and the introduction of online buyers insurance and protection schemes have increased consumer confidence in using credit cards online. Cash on delivery schemes have been a huge success in the country since there is an assurance of product delivery and the consumer gets to see and feel the product before he finally parts with his money.
Many Indian and international brands have opened online portals for their products eliminating the need for middlemen and are thus offering lower prices for quality products. The one way to attract Indian consumers is to offer freebies and discounts. Advices from friends seem to play a larger part in buying decisions while online reviews take the second place.
Smart phones have become a rage in India. Availability of 2G and 3G services has led to an increase in internet usage via mobile phones. This sector is still in its infant stage though and is limited to upper end consumers.
All the current trends indicate a bright and promising future for e-shopping sites in India.
by: Rohan Kumar
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