subject: Top Secret Inside Tips To Get The Best Insurance Possible [print this page] The economy has been in the doldrums for a long time now, and nobody is sure when it will ever recover. It's getting more and more important to save as much money as you can. At the end of the month, if you've got any money left, most people would like to spend it, but then they have second thoughts. With people getting laid off right and left, nobody knows when it's going to be there turn. One thing you certainly can't cut corners with is insurance. This is something everybody should have. Otherwise, you are opening yourself up to financial ruin if something dramatic happens. In this article, you'll learn how to get the best possible deal with your insurance policy.
The first tip is to know exactly what you need. Many people just buy whatever insurance that their agent recommends. This can be a big mistake. You may buy too much insurance, or you may not get enough. Too much will have you paying too much in premiums every month. Not enough can quickly send you to the poor house if something happens and you don't have the appropriate coverage. You've got to understand what you are insuring against, and you need to know how much it's going to cost you.
Once you settle on a level of coverage you are comfortable with, it's time to find a good price. But don't just accept the quote the company gives you. There's plenty of room to negotiate. Many companies will add in extra "fees" in the policy, and this is where the agents make a lot of their commission. By negotiating these "fees" down, you can pay a lot less money. Think of buying insurance like buying a car. You spend an hour choosing the right car, and then two or three hours haggling over the price. Insurance is really no different.
Often times you can get plenty of discounts, but these discounts aren't going to be offered to you. You've got to ask for them. Some of the discounts are based on the organizations that you belong to. Consider joining some of these if it's going to help you with your premiums. Generally speaking, in order to get the discount, you've just got to show proof of membership. This can be as easy as getting a temporary ID card. Just make sure the dues of the organization in question aren't higher than what you'd be saving.
Getting a broker can help out quite a bit. Once you know exactly what you want, a broker will go to work for you, and check all the companies to find you the cheapest rate. This can save you quite a bit of leg work.
When you take the initiative, you really can save quite a lot on insurance. Just take the time, do it right, and you'll be fine.
by: Winston Takeda
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