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subject: Types Of Ladies Shorts-womens Casual Short Pants With Belt [print this page]

Womens Casual short pants with belt $12 and free shipping from

From super-short Daisy Dukes to above-the-knee Bermudas, there are

plenty of shorts options for women if they are looking to avoid skirts and stay cool on a hot day. Bolder colors and patterns are more appropriate on shorts than they are on full-length pants, as the pattern or color won't look overwhelming with less material.

Bermuda Shorts

Bermuda shorts are knee-length shorts and often have a slimmer profile. They usually have square pockets on the side.


Cut-off shorts are denim shorts that are roughly cut off from full-length jeans at some point along the leg, often high on the thigh. The wearer usually does the alteration at home.

Capri Shorts

Capri shorts are longer shorts that fall to the calf or just below the calf. Capris can either be loose-fitting or tight and can be made from virtually any other fabric used for pants.

Cargo Pants

Cargo pants are shorts that have large side pockets. They can either be quite loose or more form-fitting and vary in length widely. The closures for the pockets vary widely from Velcro to snaps to zippers.


Culottes, also known as skorts, are shorts covered with a piece of fabric so that they mimic the appearance of skirts. Some have the skirt panel in the front only. Others go all the around the shorts.

Hot Pants and Bun Huggers

Hot pants, also called short shorts and Daisy Dukes after the television character's signature super-short pants, are shorts with very small inseams that are worn very tight against the buttocks and thighs. Some styles are so short as to reveal the bottom of the buttocks. Bun huggers are similar shorts but are more for athletic than for casual wear. Professional volleyball, for example, requires women athletes to wear bun huggers.

Board Shorts

Board shorts are often knee-length, loose-fitting shorts. Board shorts typically used to be worn by men only, and even then were reserved for the beach. Now, they can be used as women's casual wear.

by: agoodic

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