subject: Finding Designer Clothing Online [print this page] Designer clothing continues to be a favorite among different groups of people in different corners of the world.. With an increasing number of online stores selling designer clothing and replicas as well, some of you may prefer investing in high quality designer pieces, while those with budget restrictions may prefer the replicas. When you want to make your purchase of designer clothing online, it is at your responsibility to find whether the particular garments you opt to buy are original or fake. As a consumer, you must check your item using these tips to avoid counterfeit clothing.
The first thing you must note down when you go shopping for designer items is to see whether the label is spelt correctly as most of the counterfeit items will have incorrectly spelled brand names. Spotting this issue should instantly help you find out a fake item. The second indication is that of the price. Most replica garments are offered at a much lower price than the original. As far as original pieces are considered, it is true that you get what you pay for. If you believe in this, you can very well stay away from counterfeit clothing. Pursuing a few websites for base price would be a better idea to ascertain whether the price is far too cheap.
When purchasing a designer item from a particular website, you have to check the contact details and the terms and conditions since it is now a legal necessity for all online merchants to provide their complete contact details such as email, telephone, address etc., If there is no such details and just a form to fill, you have to be cautious enough to make your purchase from those sites. Genuine clothing and accessories are made from superior materials and possess a visibly high quality stitching, a feature that you can find out when you look closely at the photographs. It is often better to choose products from trusted websites and companies as they are less likely to sell fake products.
As a consumer, you must know your rights. According to "Distance Sellers Act" if you have unknowingly purchased fakes, you have 7 days to return the goods without any penalty and also if you use a credit card, you can put a request to your credit card issuer to do cash back as the products were not accurately described. If you follow these tips, you can easily avoid fake products and ensure that you purchase the real thing online.
by: Zoe R
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