subject: The Benefits Of Online Questionnaires [print this page] Nowadays the importance of online questionnaires is growing by the minute, as they enable a host of companies and organisations to collect information easily and conveniently. An online questionnaire has a number of benefits for learning the opinions of diverse members of specific targeted audiences and generalising these opinions.
Web links help targeted audiences to reach an online questionnaire
After clients select the audience group targeted by them, the links created by the questionnaire creation system serve to guide interested audience members to reach the questionnaire site and complete it online. That is a convenient feature that invites interested individuals to contribute their opinions.
Results Are Collected in Different Reporting Formats
Results from an online questionnaire can be collected in a diversity of electronic formats, such as Excel or Word. The analysis of survey data is typical for every research project, and the convenience of picking the most suitable format is a definite advantage. In case of open ended responses, reports enable clients to view both these responses and comments.
There Are a Host of Traits That Can Be Targeted
The benefits of an online questionnaire include an important feature that helps to diversify and specify the groups of people targeted for online surveys, according to demographic as well as behavioural characteristics. Criteria according to which an online questionnaire can be drawn up include typical indexes such as age, gender, location, education, marital status, employment status, ownership of home, smart-phone, vehicle, electronic devices, etc. Furthermore, clients that wish to target a specific group not included in typical ones can ask for their online questionnaire to be drawn up accordingly.
To sum up, online questionnaires offer indubitable benefits in terms of collecting information from diverse groups of targeted audiences and are becoming a staple for a number of companies and organisations.
by: Peter Andrews
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