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subject: Excellent Styling Results About Avanti Hair Straighteners [print this page]

Avanti hair straighteners have been a popular choice for many stylists for many years. This brand first became popular because of its good quality hair dryers and now its hair straighteners have also become renowned amongst women. Avanti is a leading brand of electrical personal care appliances and is a US based company.

Avanti hair straighteners incorporate many technologies in the design which gives them superior performance. They have Nano Silver Technology which has germicidal effects and it helps keep the plates clean and germ free. Silicon technology is effective for styling control while Ionic technology helps infuse hair with volume and shine. The titanium plates emit infra red heat which helps to preserve the natural moisture of the hair and eliminate frizz.

There are many types ofAvanti hair straighteners which have different features. The Avanti Nano Titanium Ceramic Silver Digital Hair Straightening Iron is made from a combination of titanium, ceramic and ionic technologies. Titanium is a durable material which makes the plates stain free and smooth. This is a light weight hair straightener with narrow plates and can be heated up to 430 degree Fahrenheit. It has a digital display for temperature so you can know exactly how much the straightener is heated up. It also has a built in generator which emits negative ions that give shine and volume to the hair.

Another popular type ofAvanti hair straighteners is the Ceramic Tourmaline straightener which is designed to protect the hair and its natural shine. It has ceramic plates which are embedded with tourmaline crystals which protect hair from heat damage. Another popular type ofAvanti hair straighteners is the Wet to Dry straightener. This is a straightener which can be used with wet hair so you do not have to waste time blow drying your hair before straightening it.

Avanti hair straighteners offer good value for money as they are not very expensive but give the same performance as many high end brands.

Excellent Styling Results About Avanti Hair Straighteners

By: Christina lynn

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