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subject: Linen Dresses For Women [print this page]

The weather might be very hot and uncomfortable but that can be no reason for not stepping out in style. And women are especially picky about what they don everyday! If you are one such woman, who knows that she wants and absolutely refuses to compromise on comfort and style even when the mercury is rising then linen is the ideal fabric for you.

Most people underestimate the power of the linen fabric. It might not be super rich like the silks and satin, but there can be nothing better to see you through the day. It is difficult to find any item of clothing cannot be reconstructed in linen. From morning dresses to wedding gowns, from office clothes to trendy jackets, linen lends itself to everything. For the average working woman, a linen jacket should be an absolute must. It is light and breezy and yet it is perfect for the corporate atmosphere for a presentation that she might have to attend in the evening. This jacket would merge with the atmosphere without making the wearer uncomfortable in hot weather.

On the other hand, for casual clothing and morning dresses, no other fabric can beat linen. It is so light and cool on the skin. And yet because of its amazing ability to absorb moisture and dry up quickly, the wearer is left comfortable enough even in a very humid climate. Of course, linen does require a certain degree of maintenance- it has to be washed, starched and ironed after every use to get that perfect, crisp look. However, nowadays crease free varieties have also hit the market. So even if you do not iron your linen dresses every day, there are hardly any noticeable creases. Though this variety is a lot more expensive, it is high in demand for working women who have to juggle a lot within a short span of time.

Linen highlights those aspects of womens dresses which have hitherto been the stronghold of silk, satin and lace. Wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses and other formal wear has seen a marked rise of the inclusion of linen as designers are slowly opening up to its vast possibilities. Because of its resilience to wear and tear, linen is undoubtedly becoming a very popular fabric, not to mention that is also cheaper than most other textiles. A wardrobe makeover, then, might be wholly incomplete if you do not include some linen dresses.

by: AbhishekGupta

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