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subject: India Tours For Women [print this page]

India tour packages include a host of attractions and activities to all parts of the country. That is why it is essential to know the place you are visiting, the customs and traditions, and always be prepared. This is especially true for a country like India which is so diverse and has so many different customs, languages and acceptable norms.


Ensure that the accommodation you have settled for during your India tour is trusted and known. It is important to be aware of the place you are staying in and to do your research before you book your accommodation. This holds true for men as well.


It is important that you book reputable transport for your travel from the airport to your accommodation and vice-versa. It is also important that transport within the place of travel is trusted. There are many India tour packages that arrange transportation as a part of your package.


If you are going on a guided India tour package, then it is important that the tour company is well-known. There are special women-only tour guides that could be a safer choice, if you are apprehensive about the new and unknown area you are going to visit.


It is important to be aware of your surroundings. Read up on the customs and accepted dress codes of the place you are visiting. You do not want to offend the locals and more importantly, you do not want to attract unwanted attention while travelling. Crowded areas are always safer than remote places, even at the cost of being hemmed in by people.

Be prepared

India tours require you to always have emergency telephone numbers handy in case you get lost or find it difficult to get around. It is necessary so that you can ask for help if you ever need any.

There are certain areas in India that are safe and certain areas that need to be handled carefully. Either way, when you book an India tour, ensure that you are prepared and are aware of the place and your surroundings. Having said that, there are a number of wonderful destinations that you can discover on India tour packages, so explore, have fun and stay safe!

by: Noshir Lavangia

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