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subject: Great Guide On How To Survive In This Tough Economy [print this page]

Do you know the best ways to balance your personal finances, and use your income to its best advantage? It is often easy to live outside an individual's means and fall prey to the paycheck-to-paycheck syndrome. You don't have to suffer through this anymore, if you make some changes, like the tips presented here, and keep balance in mind.

A good personal-finance tip is to look through youtube videos when you're facing some home-improvement issues. A lot of things can be fixed by taking care of it yourself, contrary to calling in a plumber or repairman. There are plenty of helpful videos on youtube that you can watch.

While the world economy is fluctuating and not very steady, you should avoid removing any money that you have invested in international stocks. You might be tempted to do that, but the economic outlook in several other countries looks much brighter, than the outlook of the economy in the United States.

Never underestimate the power of switching to generic brands. Many brand name products are produced by the same manufacturers as the off-label groceries, but at only a fraction of the cost. In most cases, you will not be able to taste the difference and you will end up saving quite a bit of money.

Before you shell out your hard-earned money on a luxury or unnecessary items, try to use the '30 Day Rule'. Wait for at least 30 days before going back and following through with the purchase. This gives you plenty of time to consider whether your finances would be better served some other way.

A good personal-finance tip is to pay with cash as much as you can. Paying for things such as groceries and gas with cash is an excellent way of managing your money. It'll also prevent you from racking up charges on your credit card that you'll have to pay off.

Save as much money as possible. Ideally, you should be putting away about twenty percent of whatever you make. Save half and invest half. This will ensure that you have money when you need it. While this might be initially hard to get used to, it will be worth the sacrifice in the end.

Your paycheck doesn't have to be something you wait for each week. This article has laid out some good advice for handling your finances, provided you take the right steps and follow through. Don't let your life revolve around payday, when there are so many other days you could be enjoying.

by: IshanGoradiya

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