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subject: 30 Days To Thin - The Hottest Title For Women [print this page]

Long time ago,like everyone else,I did not notice my weight, i eat everything i want, everywhere i go. Suddenly one day, istood before the mirror and...."oh my god!!!"---I said that.I was really shocked when look at that.I could not believe it's me- the fat lady.I embarked on the diet,even eat nothing, but, itis not effective. It makes me tired, i feel sohungry,and then I eat,also eat more than usual.

Day by day, i sad, ideadlock.People told me to give up. My family told me to give up. Even I told myself to give up. Have you ever told yourself to give up because deep down you feel like you are going to a dead end?

During the most desperate, thewonders come to me.How did I do it? Well, a lot of what really worked for me is stuff you probably won't read about in the magazines, and I bet it will work for you too.

After my graduation, I joined Fashion One Television as a TV Producer Intern. This was not only great professionally but it was a revelation for me in my weight loss journey.

The time I stepped in their Los Angeles office, I was shocked to see the ladies there they were stunning! They were what I wanted to be! They were perfectly toned, had perfect thin sexy legs, curved buttocks, and amazing figure they were a complete package. A girl like me could give anything to be like them! Quite honestly, I was fuming seeing them!!

Being around these ladies made me think "WHY NOT ME?" Not only were they outright sexy, they had an attitude, the right confidence, and the brilliance on their face that would make them stand out from the crowd. They always carried a smile on their face making me even more jealous.

Every Fashion week, I used to ask them about their diet. "What do you eat, What do you drink, What do you do for such a sexy body? WHAT, WHERE, WHEN were on my top checklist! While they did not tell much about their "Secret," working around them for four months made me learn a lot.

I learn about things that you don't find in magazines or weight loss books. I doubt if this will be even known to a personal trainer.

And the results...I was spellbounded. After struggling throughout my teenage life, I finally found something that seemed to work

Now that I had a baseline, I started doing extensive research during my fat loss days!

And here's what came to as surprise to me: These models never did go for diet pills and personal trainers!

They never spent too much time exercising. They never went for extreme starvation. Matter of fact, some of them used to munch food at a regular interval. This is totally opposite of what I have been told to lose weight. Hell, it's hard to believe that these models are so slim and sexy yet maintain such a lifestyle. I thought it was their metabolism. Maybe, they were born that way. Maybe, their fat burns faster than they breathe.

That was the only answer. That's what I kept telling myself. Sure no one else in the room had such a body, that's for sure. But come on! I was fooling myself. Now that I have asked them questions, I am an honest girl, so admitting this was very, very difficult.

It didn't hit me that I was deceiving myself; after all, I did make an effort to try diet pills, dieting, and what not for years and years. My years of struggle only helped me lose 5 pounds, maybe six but nothing more than that. Whatever pounds I lost always came back; but a sexy body was a long way to go.

I had been reluctant to visit a shopping mall after all seeing those gorgeous dresses was always depressing. I never even went to a beach, conscious of taking the top off. In fact, I felt like a prisoner of my own body. Losing weight was a distant dream and I was losing hope as time passed. Maybe this sounds like someone you know, maybe it sounds just like you!

Today, things are different. Not only do I have a wardrobe full of the most gorgeous clothes, in fact I sport a slim and sexy body. And guess what, I am 32 and my body is way better than the model.

After months of learning their secrets and inculcating the same in my lifestyle, I was absolutely bowled over. I mean, shocked. How did I manage it? Well, first I accepted a bitter truth that hardly anyone knows. Only a celebrity or a model can share something like this about losing weight. It is so surprising that it will blow your mind.

Here it is

by: gamevn111

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