subject: Breast Cancerstart From Neglect [print this page] Vast majority of women who are more interested in develping breast cancer are those who do not even bother to do self-examination (not all)
The inspection should be self-major priority for every woman. And breast cancer caught in the early stages of growth gives the best opportunity for the patient to control the disease with drugs today 's modern technology.
Breast cancer is common among these types of females can be a death sentence if ignored. Negligence by yourself in this circle with the lack of regular testing and then you can expect painful road ahead of us - comgested of sadness and pain for those close to you as well. Breast cancer can be treated, and even the time has come to set a date in the newspaper breast self-examination regularly.
One of the first signs or symptoms of breast cancer is a tumor in the breast. And you will see that the classification of breast tumors are detected in most of the early to 9 of 10 benign. It may be a change indivisibility of the womb usually become more pronounced before the start of the period, especially in women over the age of 35
Also cysts / bags of fluid is not uncommon in the breast tissue, causing a feeling of bumps. Fibroadenoma is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue which is more particularly known to occur in younger women
If you notice a change in the shape / size of the breast mass or thickness of the until then always check with your doctor. Other signs to look for dimples and reshaping the skin or nipple, for example, if the color of the nipple or ithe banks to return to the chest. Bloody nipple discharge, and the stigmatization of an unusual or rash around the surrounding area must be checked.
May block or swelling under your armpit also be marked. If you found that you have one of the above symptoms, then seek medical attention immediately.
No need to worry at this stage as breast lumps like this does not necessarily mean cancer. Inverted nipple but the above or any other blood-stained discharge could mean any type of disease, and in both cases, they need attention
The doctor will examine the chest, and if necessary refer you to a specialist for further tests. If the results of X-rays or ultrasound shows the bag and have it removed can cause drainage through a fine needle. If a solid mass is then treated using a very fine needle will take a tissue sample and a test for cancer cells.
This is a disease that can fight, but once it spreads, then breast cancer becomes a battlefield leaving you fighting for survival. Early detection can stop this war.
Cosmetic surgery for women is common after breast AA.