subject: Why You Should Set Performance Goals For Your Paid Online Advertising Campaign [print this page] Paid online advertising such as pay-per-click advertising on search engines can be a complicated matter with many different numbers and variables to consider, which can make it difficult to turn a profit with an advertising campaign. One of the best ways to make sure that all of your paid advertising is profitable for you is to set performance goals for each of your advertising campaigns and then closely monitor the cost and performance of your advertising to make sure that you are reaching your goals. One good strategy for setting a performance goal for an online ad campaign is to set a budget that you do not exceed and then set a minimum return on investment, such as seeing $1,000 in sales for every $600 spent on advertising.
In order to successfully set and achieve a certain return on investment it is important that you very carefully monitor both the exact cost of your advertising campaign as well as the exact amount of money that your advertising generates. This can be accomplished by creating a separate and unique landing page on your website where you direct website visitors once they have clicked on your advertisement. If you can remain disciplined with this approach to online advertising or pay-per-click advertising in search engines, and rework or stop funding any advertising campaign that does not meet the performance goal you have set, then you can make sure that you are only putting your hard earned money into advertising methods that are delivering results.
To make sure that your performance goal is achieved, it is important to cut any ad campaign that does not meet the required return on investment but it is also important to slowly increase the advertising budget for any ad campaign that meets or exceeds your revenue goal. There are a variety of different online advertising techniques such as media buying or banner ads, pay-per-click text ads in the search engines, or cost-per-action affiliate advertising, but regardless of which advertising technique you are using the one thing that remains constant is that you will spend a certain amount of money and earn a certain amount of money.
Setting a minimum return on investment is just as important as setting an advertising budget, and if you are going to continue to fund a paid online advertising campaign then it is important that you are operating within the boundaries of both of these values. Setting a performance goal is sometimes ignored by online advertisers, but this simple trick will allow you to see which ad campaigns you should eliminate and which ones you should spend more money on due to a high return on investment.
Copyright (c) 2012
by: Ricky Weber
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