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subject: Global Warming: The Product Of Man's Innovations [print this page]

The scariest difficulty that we are all facing now is global warming; nevertheless, it is also sad to say that this is caused by the wrongful doings along with human activities all over the world. Which means that this problem is brought on by us and we would not even notice it till sudden changes are taking place all over the world.

Ever wondered why the climate has changed these past few several years? Why the summer can be hotter than before? There are many changes that we are all recognizing; it can be incredible floods, earthquakes, or even typhoons. Throughout the years, the situation has gotten more serious than ever before, this is all because of global warming.

Global warming is caused by all the pollutions that the world has produced. Where did the smog come from? Basically, through all the things that individuals often use: like vehicles, energy, factories, and many other pursuits. Human beings as we are usually, we became too much influenced by such things that built the effects seem more quickly. Imagine that, throughout the decades the number of automobiles have multiplied from hundreds to thousands and may be even more for the a long time. From all of those vehicles, the smoke produced can easily clearly add to all the things that cause the thing referred to as greenhouse effect.

Even activities like cutting trees and not updating them, can be one of the reasons too. We all know which plants and trees include the ones to supposedly digest carbon dioxide and releases fresh air. With all the problems and the growing matters of forests that are going hairless because of such pursuits, nature is greatly influenced and the only atmosphere we have is also badly mistreatedall of which caused those unwanted landslides in floods.

At this extremely moment, all of us tend to be facing a very difficult situation that may lead to the destruction of our nature especially if solutions will not be done. Let us almost all be responsible enough to act and do the things that many of us are supposed to do, so that the our children and grandchildren can have a regular and beautiful life but not to suffer from the wrong doings of the past.

Global Warming: The Product Of Man's Innovations

By: Dane Alexia

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