subject: Amazing Methods To Reduce Your Plantar Warts - 7 Great Treatments [print this page] Warts that develop on the plantar area located on the sole of the foot are called plantar warts. Warts are likely to develop if the skin is infected with a highly contagious type of virus called the human papilloma virus. According to the statistics revealed by medical research experiments, the human papilloma virus or HPV has affected over 40 percentage of people all over the world. As of today, this is one of the most common type of viral infection in the whole world. To get rid of plantar warts, many different types of natural and holistic treatment methods are available today. The treatment option for plantar warts are likely to be more aggressive than those which are used on other parts of the body because, the skin on the plantar region is a lot thicker and tougher than other areas. In this article we will concentrate on holistic treatments that help to get rid of plantar warts.
1. Hot Soak - Water that is very hot can be utilized in softening the hard tissue that makes up plantar warts in order that the wart may be more easily removed. Place your feet in a tub of hot water for at least ten minutes so that the hard tissue of the plantar warts get softened enough. After softening of the warts is accomplished with hot water treatment, the wart tissue can be eliminated by use of an abrasive tool for example a pumice stone or an emery board.
2. Use Vinegar - Apple cider vinegar, a very common natural substance available in every household, has a lot of therapeutic properties and it can be used in the treatment of warts as well. It can help to get rid of warts in two different ways. The vinegar acts as an antiseptic and destroys the HPV virus while disinfecting the wart area. Apple cider vinegar is also highly acidic therefore it helps to soften the wart and make the hard tissue softer. You should try to soak your feet in the vinegar twice each day. After this treatment the tissue of the wart can be abraded away using tolls such as an emery board or a pumice stone.
3. Aspirin Use - Aspirin may also help to get rid of warts on the feet but not by ingesting them. The whole aspirin needs to be fastened over the wart using a band aid. Replace the aspirin tablet twice everyday.
4. Soda Baking Use - Baking soda and water mixed together makes a paste that is abrasive and alkaline. The paste should be rubbed over the wart tissue vigorously and this treatment needs to be done at least thrice everyday.
5. Banana Compress - Take the peel from a ripe banana and tape it securely over the wart. Leave the peel on until it dries then change it for a new one.
6. Garlic Rub - Garlic could be used in several different ways to help eliminate plantar warts. The entire clove can be rubbed over the wart three times a day. You can even keep the clove fastened over the wart tissue. The garlic clove should be allowed to stay in place for about a week's time. Diced garlic and garlic oil can also be used as rub.
7. Aloe Vera Gel - Plantar warts may be treated naturally with the use of aloe vera gel. This gel is a topical analgesic, an anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic. The aloe vera gel must be applied a couple of times during the day and applying a thick coat of the gel at nighttime can be very helpful.
by: Sean T Saunders
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