subject: How To Make Money Online [print this page] If you have spent anytime online then you will know very well about all the many different websites that are available that will tell you that you can make money. Some of these websites will tell you that you can do all this completely automated and all you have to do is pay the $37 and click one button every day.
The sales page of this website will probably also tell you that you will make six figures in your first year without doing anything. But the truth is that they are the only people making money from this as the 95% failure rate would not be there if that was no0t the case.
It seems that many websites will also tell you that all you need to do is promote the affiliate website that they give you and you will make money and they even go so far as to explain how the matrix system works and how much money you will earn The truth is that you will only be making them money as they will be getting the leads that you send.
The above two mentioned websites are typical of "make money online" websites that you will find, but there are a few that have something more to offer. The basic problem will be seen when they ask you to pay $30 or $50 to join them before you have made your first cent.
There are a few websites that actually give you the chance to make money online BEFORE they take your money and this is a much better deal. This means that you know that they are completely motivated to make sure that you succeed because if you do not succeed they will not make money.
Finding websites like these are like finding a needle in a haystack because it is an industry that is now completely over crowded. There are billions of websites online and what they all have in common is that they are all trying to sell you something. No matter where you get the information from in any niche it is all about the money.
The Internet is "raw capitalism" and there are millions of choices that one can choose from and they all have been put together in order to get you to reach for your credit card. This means that you need to be weary about what you get into because the failure rate is over 95%.
This means that the automated six figure income that they promise you is simply not true otherwise the figure of failure would not be so high. But if you have not found something that has given you your money's worth then you should not give up hope as there is a chance that you can make money online if you select the right program to start with.
There are two options that have proved themselves conclusively to be successful. The first is by getting the most difficult and expensive part done for you and that is the promotion and the marketing done correctly and getting results. There are a few websites that are online that will give you an affiliate website and promote it for you.
They guarantee that they will pay you every ten days without fail no matter whether you decide to promote it yourself or not. This is a program that has many members that get a salary that they have come to rely on without any advertising. But this is only one option that you can choose from.
The other option that you can choose from is a program that will do all the training and all the templates and set up that you need given to you BEFORE you start making money online. This is a good way to start as they will give you all the advice and guidance that you need for only $1.
Copyright (c) 2012 Forestnome Enterprises
by: Shaun Swilling
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