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How To Get Noticed Online

It seems to be getting tougher and tougher ever day to get your website/blog seen by the billions of people out there that are using the Internet every day. The problem is that there are billions of websites and what they all have in common is that they are all trying to sell something to the person who visits.

The art of making money online has blossomed out into many different areas that range from PPV (pay per view), PPA (pay per action) and PPC (pay per click) but they have been around for quite a few years and PPV and PPA seem to be growing in popularity amongst people making money online.

But whatever you want to use to get money online you need to find a way that you get your blog or website seen by as many people as possible, otherwise known as traffic. The well-known procedure for doing this is actually quite specific and needs to be done in a specific order if you want to be successful.

There first procedure is doing the obvious in order to get noticed by the search engines. That means getting pings to your registered domain as well as backlinks that lead to your website/blog. This gets a bit complicated as there are a number of different types of backlinks that you can get.

There are verified and unverified backlinks as well as high quality backlinks and low quality backlinks. This means that the search engines are now able to verify where your backlinks come from. For example a high quality backlink will come from an authority website and not some website or blog that is not even ranked on a search engine.

There is also the registration with directories that is needed in order to get noticed by search engines as well as bookmarking your website and blogs. All of this excludes the obvious necessity of SEO and choosing keywords that work for the niche that you have specifically selected.

All of this can be completely intimidating for the newcomer and they would quite rightly think that they would have to work 24/7 for a whole year in order to get this done manually. But the truth is that all the webpages and blogs that you see at the top of big search engines have used software to do this for them.

There is a lot of software out there that will do all the above mentioned work for you. The problem is that most of this software actually promises more than it actually delivers. But there are certain types of software that is delivering more than what it says and that certainly is a very rare find on the Internet,

Copyright (c) 2012 Forestnome Enterprises

by: Shaun Swilling

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