subject: Your Step By Step Guide To Getting Amazing Insurance Coverage [print this page] Getting any kind of insurance is not something people look forward to. It's not like buying a house, where you get something really good at the end of doing all that paperwork. Or applying for a student loan, where at the end you can look forward to an exciting and life changing experience. Getting insurance leaves you with a vague feeling of protection. In case an asteroid falls out of the sky on your head, you won't have to pay for your intensive care. Great. Of course, it's necessary to understand a little bit about it, otherwise you might waste some money or worse, you might not have enough coverage. So when that asteroid does fall on your head, you'll only be able to get a bottle of Advil. In this article, you'll learn how to avoid that.
The first thing you need to do is research any company you are thinking of buying insurance from. Having vaguely heard of a company before doesn't count as research. You've got to find out how long they've been around, and what kind of reputation they have. You also should find out how quickly they pay claims. It's use signing up if they are going to drag their feet for six months while you are in intensive care.
Checking with only one company is a mistake. You've got to figure out exactly what kind of coverage you need, and then shop around may different companies to find the best rates. Many different companies have different rate structures, and specialize in different risk classes. So you might get a terrible quote from one company, but a great quote from another company. Just keep shopping around until you find a few quotes that are low.
At some point you are going to have to decide between a small company, and a large one. Small companies can generally give you better rates, but their service may be questionable. Large companies, on the other hand, generally have better service, but they also can have higher rates. What you want is a happy medium where you get both good service, and good rates.
When it comes time to fill out the insurance application form, it's important that you take your time. Make sure all the information is correct, and that you don't fudge anything. If there's anything you don't know, take the time to find out. If you write down incorrect information, it can come back to haunt you later.
Taking the time to buy insurance isn't going to get you very excited, but it will save you some money. Just take your time, learn what you need, and find the best price from the best company. Then you can go back to having fun.
by: Winston Takeda
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