subject: Five Secrets To Conducting Successful Online Surveys [print this page] In order to have a successful online survey there are a few secrets that will certainly help ensure your efforts are successful. Many large corporations and even small businesses are now using online surveys, which is helping their business grow in a variety of avenues. For those that offer a service or product learning what customers think of your products and services can greatly aid in getting your products or services to the masses.
The five secrets start with using quality online survey software to create your survey. Features offered should include such things as design, distribution, branding, detailed reports, and support. You should choose a company that will provide you with such things as support all languages, ready-made survey templates, auto numbering, and a specific or unlimited amount of responses, surveys, pages, and questions. Not only will you want all of these great features but also a few more that will help you have a Successful Online Survey include the ability to insert photos, customised thank you page, password protection, and even pre-set survey themes that allow you to add your logo. Distribution features are also very important especially if the software offers a variety of media outlets.
In order to have a successful online survey your surveys should allow participants to answer all your questions and remain anonymous at the same time. Most people will be honest if they do not have to attach their name to the information. This allows them to talk freely without giving out, not only their name, but also their email address. Too many times, surveys ask for a participants personal information, which many individuals are reluctant to provide due to spam email or other issues.
Pertinent questions
No matter what you want to learn about your company or service, the questions you ask need to help you learn this. If you want to learn if customers are satisfied with your services, you will need to have questions on the survey that will address this issue. If you are more interested in if customers are enjoying the products you manufacture you will need questions that centre on this factor. Remember, to ask questions that will help you evaluate the responses and have a successful online survey.
When considering what type of questions to include in your online survey, people do not like long drawn out surveys, but ones that are easy to answer but also offer the opportunity to expound on their responses. If you use all multi choice questions, you will not be allowing your participants to explain their choices or to add to their answers. It is best to always offer a larger text box that can be written in if the participant feels it is necessary. This allows them to be more involved which will ensure you have a successful online survey.
The last and one of the most important secrets of a successful online survey is that you receive adequate reports from the software you have chosen to use. You may need to include such things as geographic location, sex of the participants, or if they have tried more than one of your products. Be sure that you receive quality reports so your success can be measured properly.
by: Peter Andrews
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