subject: The True Benefit Of Traveling Contractors [print this page] Traveling contractors have something of a mixed reputation. Some people view them much like traveling salesmen "" little more than hucksters. However, the truth is very different. While you certainly have to be careful when hiring such a professional (as with ANY hire), traveling contractors provide vital services to those in need and make many things possible, including vital disaster recovery. Let"s explore this topic in a bit more depth.
A Dim View of Traveling Contractors
First, let"s look at the negatives in this situation. Some people that take a dim view of traveling contractors have been burned before. Perhaps a contractor came to town, did a shoddy job and left without worrying about anything because they knew they wouldn"t be around to worry about it. However, the same thing happens with local contractors, and much more frequently than you might think.
Anyone who lumps all of these professionals together in the same bag has not taken the time to look at the situation in any depth. Anyone who believes that local contractors could handle these problems on their own is truly ignoring some of the very real factors that make traveling contractors indispensable.
Traveling Contractors Offer Immense Benefits
Whether you approve or disapprove of traveling contractors, you cannot deny that they provide invaluable, vital services and numerous benefits. Think what would happen if you could only rely on local contractors, particularly during emergencies and disaster cleanup. What would have happened had the people of Louisiana and the Gulf Coast area not been able to rely on the help of expert service providers? There simply aren"t enough local contractors to get the job done, even if those repairs were stretched out over a decade, much less during a timeframe that would actually work for most residents and business owners.
Of course, the disaster doesn"t have to be of the same scope as Katrina to prove the point that traveling contractors are vital. Consider what"s left in the aftermath of a tornado outbreak (those in Tornado Alley will be the first to point this out). If it were left to only local contractors to cleanup, repair and rebuild, how many families would still be without homes and relying on agencies like FEMA even a year afterward?
These professionals play vital roles in numerous other situations. For instance, when oil refineries have to shut down due to damage or the need for expansion, local contractors usually don"t have the required skills and expertise to tackle the problem. In fact, local contractors are sometimes the least qualified individuals for a particular project, especially when that project involves extremely specialized skills (underwater welding, oil pipeline pressure, etc.).
As you can see from the discussion above, not only do traveling contractors offer important services and assistance, but they play an integral role in a variety of situations. Those who still hold a dim view of these professionals need to look at the situation again and realize that local contractors are often not the best option for a particular situation.
by: Lynda
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