subject: Online Pawn Shop [print this page] Before you head out to your local pawn shop for a loan, you need to make sure that you've considered all of your options. Remember that a brick and mortar pawn shop is going to charge you nearly 20% interest on the value of your loan, which can make it extremely difficult to pay back. Additionally, the hassle of having to drive to your nearest pawn shop is going to be a pain, and believe it or not, you lose even more value on your loan just from the gas that you use to get there. So before you head out the door with your jewelry and other valuable, consider an online pawn shop, and head over to to check out what they have to offer in exchange for your jewelry.
With an online pawn shop, you get all of your answers without ever leaving your home. Simply take a photo of your jewelry, include a description and wait about one hour. One of the professionals at iPawn will take a quick look at your item to determine how much it's worth to them. After a careful examination, you'll receive an honest offer that maximizes how much your jewelry is worth.
Whether you decide to accept or reject the loan offer is completely up to you, but with an online pawn shop, you're going to pay a lot less for your loan than you ever would when considering other resources. Forget paying more than 15% interest on your loan, when you can pay as low as 1% for your valuable jewelry or watches.
To make the savings even more convenient, an online pawn shop will offer you free shipping of your product. There's no need for you to shell out the additional money when iPawn offers to ship your item for free via FedEx courier. This not only saves you money on what would normally be considered additional fees for your loan, but it makes it so you can track your package through the entire transit process.
Upon inspection, you'll receive your loan immediately, and you'll have the money you need available to you. An online pawn shop is definitely the convenient way to get money when you're in a pinch.
by: Jarrod Meehan
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