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subject: Gynecomastia Surgery For Men With Hereditary Conditions [print this page]

For women, a buxom chest is an assetFor women, a buxom chest is an asset. It is a sign of beauty, and is both alluring to men as well as beneficial to her self-esteem. On the other hand, this same condition in men is a major source of embarrassment. Those who are afflicted with it are forced to live their lives trying to minimize and hide the condition while simultaneously dealing with the frustration of trying to rid themselves of it. Fortunately for men with enlarged breasts, there is a solution in the form of gynecomastia surgery. This offers an opportunity to remove the unwanted growth and return to a more masculine physique.

Gynecomastia surgery addresses a problem in which men begin to form breasts similar to a woman's. This is caused by two very different causes, but both of them are capable of being ameliorated through a surgical operation. Regardless of the reasons for it, this condition can be embarrassing. For those who are afflicted, there is a large amount of self-consciousness and struggling to work to be rid of it. While speaking with a doctor is a great way to begin to understand and address the condition, not every patient is eligible for surgical correction.

The most common reason that people seek gynecomastia surgery is because of excessive weight gain. Men, in general, tend to carry their excess weight in their chests and abdomen. That is why many of those who are overweight will begin to develop a sort of breast-like growth. This is unquestionably embarrassing, but is not actually a good cause for having an operation. In fact, the best solution for this type of condition is diet and exercise. It can be difficult because this area is particularly resistant to fat loss. The secret is to complete total body workouts that gradually reduce the overall size of the whole body. That means reducing one's caloric intake each day coupled with regular vigorous exercise. For those who still cannot seem to get the results they want, there is a surgical option available in the form of liposuction.

The other way that a man develops this problem is through a hereditary, genetic condition. This is a situation in which the breasts are not actually deposits of fat, but rather glandular grown of tissue similar to that of a woman. In these instances, the only solution is to have gynecomastia surgery. The process is similar to a woman who chooses to have a breast reduction, although in these cases all of the tissue is removed. In addition to removal, there will be a need for muscle reconstruction to create a better and more natural appearance. Because of how invasive this operation is, it is necessary to undergo general anesthetic and spend several days recuperating.

Gynecomastia surgery can offer those with a genetic problem a surgical solution. For those in need of weight loss, it is important that they institute a healthy diet and exercise regime before considering any sort of medical solution.

by: Anders Abadie

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