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What To Consider In Produce Shipping

Whether you are a new produce grower or youve been handling the produce shipping of your farm for years, there are some elements you should be aware of regarding the process. Although it is extremely important to grow your produce with the highest quality fertilizers and to plant and irrigate effectively, all the care in the world will not matter if your crop is damaged en route to a reseller. Therefore, make sure you contract with a shipping organization that will take great care transporting your crop.

When deciding who to trust with your produce, be sure to ask the following questions:

- What experience do you have moving produce? Timely shipping is paramount in the produce shipping experience for obvious reasons. The sooner you can get your fruit to the public after it has been picked, the better it will taste. You cant afford to partner with a shipping company that experiences frequent delays. If the shipping company doesnt have much experience, be sure to ask them for a detailed account of how they plan to keep your produce fresh en route and of how they can quickly get the crop to your chosen destination(s). If you dont feel comfortable with the answers you receive, you may want to partner with a more established company.

- What types of trucks do you have available? If you are transporting your crop a short distance, you may not need a refrigerated freight. In that case, a flatbed will likely do the job just fine. For those deliveries that are going to expose your fruit to the elements excessively, you will want a refrigerated truck system. It seems so strange that the fruit that looks so wonderfully plump and healthy on the vine starts to wilt soon after picking if it isnt kept in the ideal conditions, but that is the way produce behaves.

- What are your fees? Ask for a few quotes before you choose the produce shipping company that is right for your needs. Consider the price of gas in the quote as a starting off point; obviously, the driver will need to be paid for his/her time, the gas will need to be paid, and the truck itself may need to be periodically maintained. You will be able to likely barter for a better price, but only to a point. The produce shippers who do the best job have a longstanding reputation in the industry, and they may be worth the slightly higher price point.

If you are affiliated with a marketing company that advises you regarding your produce, you may want to ask them if they have any suggestions about produce shipping companies. Often, the marketing entities have a good deal of experience in the farming industry, and they have likely heard of the best shipping companies in the market. Remember that to trust the shipping company taking your produce from point A to point B is to trust another person to carry your precious crop yield. Only partner with the best to ensure peace of mind about the fruit you entrust to another.

by: Glenn Farrier

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