subject: I Want To Get Pregnant ASAP - Getting Pregnant Bible [print this page] "I want to get pregnant ASAP." this must be your statement for a very long time now. You have been saying this to yourself, partner and friends. You have been wishing to get pregnant as soon as possible. But till now, there you are, still not pregnant.
I know it has been very hard for you. You've been so ready to get pregnant for maybe months or worse for years now but yes till now you are not pregnant. But you must not give up. It will be worth the wait for sure.
You must have been trying to get pregnant, of course together with your partner. But maybe you don't know much about fertility, the different sexual positions, and certain herbs which can help women to get pregnant easily. With fertility, you might not be aware that you need to know when you are actually ovulating for it is when you need to have that intimate night with your partner. With the different sexual positions, you might be unaware that there are many different sexual positions and certain positions will allow your partner to deposit sperm close to your cervix which will actually make it easy for you to get pregnant. And with certain herbs, yes, there are certain herbs that can help women to get pregnant without problem.
You and your partner must be trying but maybe you two have been also failing to do some things and failing to take some things. You have been failing to have your intimate night at the right time and have been failing to try out different sexual positions. And you have been failing to take certain herbs which can boost your chances of getting pregnant easily.
Thus, just continue and consider everything I've mentioned. The miracle will come and it will be worth the wait for you.