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How To Wash Trucks

Washing large vehicles is a relatively straightforward process, but there are a number of rules to consider when undertaking such a job.

Firstly it is important to get all of the truck washing equipment which will be needed in the process to hand, so that it can be done properly and efficiently.

The next step is to choose a day when it is not too sunny or if this is not possible, a time of day when it is cooler, such as the evening.

Washing vehicles in the sun means that the soapy suds dry faster than they can be cleaned off, leaving streaks of dirt across it.

This is exacerbated by the fact that trucks tend to be such large vehicles and therefore there is even less time to get around the whole thing.

A good rule of thumb when cleaning anything, whether it is a vehicle or other object is to work from the top down.

Otherwise the clean areas at the bottom will be soiled by the dirty water running off the top of the vehicle and will present twice as much work.

It is important to use the right type of cleaning products for tackling vehicles, as domestic soaps can damage paintwork and other materials.

Steam cleaners are recommended for the inside of trucks, as vacuum cleaners do not have the same effect on the upholstery.

Trucks often have to go for long distances and become a home from home for the driver so it is a good idea to clean the cabin carefully.

Doing this at the same time as the exterior will give the entire vehicle a good all around makeover and keep everything looking and working at its best.

The last step is to wash the windows, both inside and out as they are likely to get dirty during other parts of the process.

Extra attention should be given to the grooves in which they sit where dust and other fragments can come to rest.

It is important to ensure that you clean your trucks well so that it reduces the risk of an accident occurring due to poor maintenance.

by: Brendan Wilde

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