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subject: Why You Should Work On Getting Over Your Ex Girlfriend [print this page]

It's no fun to feel like you are stuck on someone. When you feel that way, it kind of feels like you are never going to be able to feel happy again until you have that person back in your life. While I can appreciate what it is like to be stuck on someone like that, you should know that one of the best things that you can do for yourself is to work hard on getting over your ex girlfriend. That does not mean that you should not have any hope at all that you can win her back one day. It just means that you need to be able to find happiness in your life again even if you don't win her back.

Of course, it's easy for me to just tell you that is what you need to do. Anyone can do that. However, there are several good reasons for why you should try to work on getting over your ex girlfriend, some of which I am going to explore in a moment. What I would also suggest that you do is to at least consider the possibility that you may need to get some advice to help you through this. Trying to figure out a situation like this all on your own is not always an easy thing to do.

Let's take a look at some of the good reasons why you should work on getting over your ex girlfriend:

1. When you stay stuck on one woman, you miss out on lots of other opportunities.

While most people would like to believe in the idealized version of love, in that there is only one person out there that is right for you, that just doesn't seem to be the case. Think about it like this: There are billions of people in the world. And most people have very similar traits. So, to think that there is only one person that you could click with or be happy with doesn't really seem to hold up just from a mathematical perspective.

2. Women don't like it when guys are obsessed with them.

I am sure that you can find an exception to this rule here and there, but for the most part, being obsessed with a woman is a bad thing. Yet, that is usually what happens when a guy can only think about one woman all of the time. He becomes obsessed with her, even if that is not what he is trying to do. You are not going to get her back by being obsessed with your ex girlfriend, so that is another reason why it is good for you to try and move on from your ex.

3. It's a lot easier to make someone feel attracted to you when you have a cavalier attitude about them.

This is one of those things that any guy who is good with women knows, and the guys who aren't good with women don't believe to be true. It may comes as bit of a shock to hear this, but when you have a cavalier attitude about a woman, it is a lot easier to make her feel attracted to you. Even though you may not think that this is the way that it should be, like I said, most men who are good with women know that this is the way that it is. So, why not give it a try?

by: Jayson Lautner

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