subject: Types Of Travel Insurance And A Guide To Buying The Best One [print this page] One of the best advices someone can give you is to make buying travel insurance a crucial part of your trip planning. You should never take a gamble on whether you will be met with unfortunate circumstances they are the only way to ensure your safety when travelling. Travel insurance can be classified into two broad categories:
Vacation Plans and Travel Medical Plans:
Vacations plans are the most extensive forms of travel insurance, offering a wide variety of services within a single package. These can be subdivided into trip protection, medical emergencies, lost baggage etc. Trip protection can be further broken down into three elements, the first of which is cancellation, in which you are compensated for your prepaid expenses in case you have suddenly taken an illness and are unable to start your journey. The second part is delay coverage, where the travel insurance takes care of all luggage delays etc. The last is the interruption policy, in which your insurance company provides you with emergency services while you are on your journey and have been befallen by a tragedy. Most of the times, vacation plans also cover car rental protection. So you dont have to worry about shouting out for taxis in the middle of a strange road.
Travel medical plans include coverage of medical expenses, and are a much better alternative to regular health insurance because health insurance plans dont work in foreign countries. These plans are best suited for those people who are not worried about cancelling their trips due to sickness or any such emergencies. They cover hospital and medication bills, emergency evacuation, surgery expenses, dental expenses, and often life insurance. Thus, you dont have to rely on locals for help, or a relative flying in to pay your fees, or funding you from back home.
All the gritty details contained in the fine print of the terms and conditions section might confuse you, resulting in the purchase of something you didnt really want.
Dont keep on going with your traditional travel insurance:
Yes, its the same company your grandfather had such a good experience with. Youve been using it since you were a teenager. But did you ever ponder whether its the best out there? Dont hesitate to look for further options. Do some poking around to see if there is travel insurance out there to better match this years skiing trip to Switzerland.
Ways to save cash:
If you are a regular traveler and make business trips quite frequently, then you will find that it is much cheaper to buy long term travel insurance that is valid for several years, rather than validating insurances every time you decide to go abroad. Not only that, it is much less painstaking and time consuming.
Buying online instead of from travel agents:
Although your travel agent may offer you travel insurance as an incentive to get commission, you should never be obligated to buy directly if you feel it is not the right choice. Searching online allows you to compare different packages and find the most suited one to you.
by: markneyton
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