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Significance Of Self Breast Exam And Woman Life

Breast cancer is although very lethal disease but still by taking food full of health and nutrients you can lower your breast cancer risk. Beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, soy ant fatty fish have such compounds which help in destroying those cells which cause cancer in breasts.

Taking these naturally available foods you can lower your breast cancer risk. Along with taking healthful diet you need to undergo a monthly based self breast examination.

Self breast examination

Self breast examination is quite simple and easy to carry out. There are two steps involved in self breast examination those are look and feel. Self breast examination is considered to be effective because a woman can be more confident in finding out normal and abnormal to her breasts.
Significance Of Self Breast Exam And Woman Life

Look of breasts is done while standing in front of mirror. You have to look at your breasts in different ways. First raise your hand over your head and look at the appearance of breasts. Then look at your breast while keeping your hands on hips. Start looking at the size and shape of both breasts. Look for changes like wrinkling, puckering, or some thickened area in breasts.

Next you are supposed to feel your breasts. Lie down to get a complete feel of your breasts. Start feeling left breast with your right hand fingers. Start moving hands on breast starting from collar bone till end of breast. Make circular movements to feel presence of any lump or swelled part in breast. Make same exercise on the other breast as well. Make sure no area of each breast should leave unchecked because ignorance off even a small abnormality can lead to serious health conditions.

Nipples are also important in the breasts so women should never ignore to check them. Appearance as well as structure of nipples is important so observe the shape of nipples during visual examination that are they same as earlier or is there any change in the appearance. Inversion of nipples is not a good sign so if there is even slight inversion the woman should consult the doctor so that the underlying reason of this change can be sorted out.

Scaly, and sore nipples are also abnormal, however scaliness, and soreness in all the cases is not due to breast cancer because some women experience such changes due to other reasons as well especially during breast feeding women complain the issues like this. It is also of core importance to squeeze the nipples with fingers to see that is there any kind of discharge except breast milk because any kind of discharge from nipple is unusual.

Dont forget that every abnormality is not the harbinger of breast cancer, but due to increased risk of being attacked by the disease women are advised to be vigilant about breast heath more than ever in the present world. Self beast examination is not a scientific method so only being dependent upon this method is not a wise decision so as women age, and they get invitation of breast screening they must combine it with self examination to ensure safe life ahead.

by: Alley James

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