subject: Aarkstore Enterprise - Water and Air Purification Systems and Products: Residential & Commercial [print this page] Aarkstore announce a new report "Water and Air Purification Systems and Products: Residential & Commercial " through its vast collection of market research report.
This research report concerning the Water and Air Purification Systems and Products: Residential & Commercial presents an in-depth analysis of the development, applications, products, technologies, manufacturers, and trends for products that help make indoor air cleaner and healthier and water purer, both for consumer usage as well as industrial and commercial applications. In developed countries, water is generally clean and safe to drink and air pollution, except in some large cities and industrial areas, is typically low. Nevertheless, indoor air and drinking water in developed countries are not without their problems and can adversely affect human health or otherwise make living and working conditions less appealing. In undeveloped and underdeveloped countries, however, water is often contaminated (when it is available) and indoor air quality is low, primarily as a result of using coal and biomass fuels for heating and cooking. From an industrial and commercial perspective, the need for clean air and clean water is essential to many manufacturing and operational processes.
This report provides a comprehensive assessment of both air and water treatment needs and technologies, economic and cost considerations that have limited their growth over the past several years, consumer and business demand, potential opportunities for additional growth, and an assessment of developing technologies and market trends. Projected growth through 2015 for both of these markets for both consumer and industrial needs is provided including discussion of economic conditions, environmental impacts, consumer and business demand, stakeholder concerns, and government activities as they affect growth rates. The report also profiles manufacturers and marketers of air and water treatment products and the strategies they have adopted to maximize growth and profitability.
Scope and Methodology
This report includes both primary and secondary research. Secondary research data have been obtained from government sources, trade association publications, business journals, and company literature. Statistical data are included for industry revenue, on a global, regional, and country-level scale. The market size for both the air and water treatment markets is projected from 2010 to 2015.
Potential applications, development trends, environmental issues, consumer behavior, and business considerations are also reviewed and analyzed. Market size estimates and forecasts are based on government and secondary sources, and the impact of factors such as health and environmental concerns, economic considerations, and consumer and business demand for products that can clean indoor air, make living and working environments more comfortable, and make water purer.
How You Will Benefit from this Report
If you or anyone you know experiences eye, nose, or throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, trouble breathing, or continuing sickness in your home or workplace, it could be caused by high levels of indoor air pollutants. Dry throat, itchy skin, mold, and mildew are indications that the indoor environment is too dry or too humid. Air cleaning technologies, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers can alleviate many of these symptoms and conditions. Drinking water - even if it does not taste bad, smell, or seem discolored - can still contain contaminants that are unpleasing and potentially harmful. Providing pure, clean water for a home or business can alleviate the need for bottled water, reduce costs, and help the environment. Whether you need to treat the air or water in your home or your business, this report provides a comprehensive package of information and insight about these technologies and products that are not offered in any other single source. You will gain a thorough understanding of why air and water treatment is necessary, what technologies are best suited for a particular problem, and how to make sense of two markets that are highly fragmented and often confusing. You will also gain a thorough understanding of usage and technology trends. Projected market growth through 2015 is also presented.