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Online Associate Degree In Correction

If you are physically fit, know how to handle people and want to do your society a favor by helping convicts rehabilitate, then you should consider a future in corrections. An assortment of career paths are accessible in the correctional system for those that have earned an Online Associates Degree in Corrections. You could work in:

Federal Prisons

State Penitentiaries

Local governmental prisons

City or county jails

Juvenile detention centers

Community-based facilities


Work-release programs.

The Importance of Corrections

Corrections is an essential part of the United States criminal justice system. The U.S. Department of Justice (USDJ) reports that the imprisoned populace of the country grew on the average of almost 4% every year from the mid 1990 to the middle the last decade. This means the need for professionals who can communicate with these prisoners and help them rehabilitate is also growing. The Department of Labor in America approximates that career openings for correctional officers and supervisors will increase by roughly 19 percent until the end of the next year.

Online Associates Degree in Corrections Career Booster

If you are presently employed in this demanding occupation or are hoping to go into the vocation then an Online Associates Degree in Corrections is a great career benefit as people with this degree are needed to fill positions all over the country.

Coursework for an Online Degree in Corrections

Usual class work in Online Associates Degree in Corrections consists of:

Principles and Practice of Administrating a Correctional Facility;

Criminal Psychology


Crowd Control

Staff, Visitor and Prisoner Security Techniques

State and Federal Legal Considerations

Role of Community-Based Approaches in Crime Prevention

Probation and Parole in a Correctional System

Recidivism Reduction Techniques

Career Opportunities for Online Associates Degree in Corrections Graduates

An Online Associates Degree in Corrections can aid you in getting ready for an assortment of careers such as:

Law Enforcement Officer


Private Security Guard

Juvenile Delinquency Case Manager

Parole Officer

Probation Officer

Correctional Treatment Specialist

Corrections Officer

Benefits of Corrections Degree

For those attracted to a career in law enforcement, an Online Associates Degree in Corrections will give them a firm grasp of the fundamentals of criminal justice along with a well-grounded assessment of subjects related to corrections.

With an Online Degree Program in Corrections, you will study up to date equipment, developments, criminology and security policies. The online degree programs also include concrete general education modules. In short, the Online Corrections Associates Degree Program is great for entry-level law enforcement employment.

by: Richard Philips

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