subject: Easy Ways To Make Money Online [print this page] People are always looking for opportunities to make a little bit of extra money. Unlike most jobs, you don't need a specific skill set in order to land yourself a gig online. All you need is a little bit of time, some decent people skills and an Internet connection. The rest will take care of itself. Passive income is usually the result of your effort to make money online.
Take Surveys
Companies are always looking for people to answer questions about their product or user experience. Taking just a couple of minutes to answer three questions could land you $100 in some cases. Other gifts include gift cards and company credit that is just as good as money. You can even make up your own surveys for other people to take. This can be a good tactic if you are an affiliate marketer.
Sell Services For Low Prices
There is a revolution sweeping the Internet. People all over the world are getting paid $5 for small services that only take a few minutes to perform. For example, some people are getting paid to be your friend on social media sites. Some people will even go so far as to pretend to be your significant other on social media sites.
This includes changing their relationship status as well as sending text messages to your phone to further the act. Becoming a friend with someone online just for appearances is certainly worth the $5 you are getting. Since these services are so simple to perform, you can offer many different clients your talents at the same time.
Write For A Content Site
You don't have to have previous experience to become a writer on the Internet. All you need are some basic writing skills and something to say. There are a variety of topics that you can choose from when you are first starting out. The pay isn't going to make you quit your job when you start out. However, the passive income that you generate over time will certainly make your efforts worthwhile. Another point to consider is that you gain valuable experience as a writer. This will help you attract higher paying assignments that include upfront payments as well as revenue sharing.
Buy And Sell Domains
Domains are cheap and easy to buy. It is possible to get a domain for as little as a dollar. What you want to do is choose a great name for that domain. This will increase the value of it for anyone who wishes to use it. You then sell it to the highest bidder for a nice profit. If it doesn't sell, you can still put ads on it to draw revenue that way.
There are plenty of easy and lucrative ways to make money on the Internet. All you need is your computer and some free time. Your imagination is the only thing that will limit you from there. Do your best to make the most out of the opportunities you have to make money on the Internet.
by: Johnathan Abbiss
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