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This Summer 2012 Auto Approve High Authority Deal

he Newest High Authority AutoApprove Packagehe Newest High Authority AutoApprove Package. Besides the auto approve lists, edu & .gov lists, high pr, dofollow lists you can download now Slow Poster Low OBL Lists, Moderated Blog lists and Trackbacks.

Receive instantly instantly over 200000 (200K) auto approve urls and over 300000(300K) moderated and slow poster urls with PageRank up to 8 to post your blog comments, proxy sources, comments files and future discounts on our products. Each list is built to provide you the best in SERP busting quality.

What you will receive

JulyAA_MasterList.txt 118988 autoapprove blog urls from 9014 unique domains
This Summer 2012 Auto Approve High Authority Deal

JulyAA_HighPR.txt 11700 High PR (PR1 to PR 7) auto approve blog urls

JulyAA_DoFollow.txt 6027 dofollow autoapprove urls ready

JulyAA_Edu&Gov.txt 447 .EDU and .GOV high authority auto approve urls

JulyAA_MasterListPR.txt All AutoApprove Urls with PR infos attached.

JulyAA_Trackbacks.txt 82313 unique URLs to post trackbacks

JulyMOD_MasterList.txt 250000 moderated blog urls from uique domains (full pack only)

JulyMOD_Edu&Gov.txt 17949 moderated .EDU and .GOV high authority blogs (full pack only)

JulySlowPoster_MasterList.txt 12910 auto approve blog urls . Post using SB Slow Poster. (full pack only)

JulySlowPoster_EDU&Gov.txt 5284 .edu and .gov only auto approve blog urls (full pack only)

HighPR_EduDoFollow Authority 132 manually selected High PR 1-8 dofollow list (full pack only)

75000 Names and 75000 Unique Emails list to use for comments

Bonus #1 Unique generic keywords post pinguin update

Bonus #2 Unique Spintax Comment List

Bonus #3 Excerpts file to use for Trackbacks posting

Bonus #4 Settings file to get over 80% success backlinks rate

Bonus #5 Additional Auto Approve Lists

Bonus #6 Huge 20% discounts on our future products including 6000 pligg lists and AA Club

Bonus #7 Private Forum Access to discuss latest blackhat seo techniques

All of these work in Scrapebox Fast Poster, however this list could be used with any blog commenter that will comment to those platforms. Of course these are unique from the last Auto Approve lists that we have sold. None of the urls in these lists were sold in our prior lists, and none of the urls from our prior lists are in this list. You will get about 85% success backlinks found rate if you will use our recommended settings. This are actually FOUND entries, not just success posts.

URLs PR Rundown

2 urls x PR 7

4 urls x PR 6

54 urls x PR 5

256urls x PR 4

1052 urls x PR 3

2934 urls x PR 2

7014 urls x PR 1

4453 urls x PR 0

Please note this are not domains PR but actual url page rank. This way you will receive more rank to your website. Most of them are Word Press. There are also Blog Engine, MovableType and other urls. BE blogs are generally dofollow.

If you are not interested in Moderated List, Slow Poster List and Bonuses and you want only the Auto Approve Package (AA,High PR, EDU, DoFollow, Trackbacks) for only $29

But if you want the full high authority package that contains bonuses, slow poster lists, moderated lists, high pr very low obl PR 1 Pr 7 urls order the full authority package

List retested and Only 50 20 copies available
This Summer 2012 Auto Approve High Authority Deal

This sale is open on numerous marketing forums and the orders are instantly processed. Dont get left out. while the counter hit 50 sales we close the sale in order to protect the list of being overused.

List is available for instant download after payment. Payment is via paypal. There is a readme file regarding optimal connection settings for these lists, make sure you read it for best results.

If you are looking for fresh auto approve lists tested every days, scrapebox goodies, fresh proxies then you should check our Daily Updated Lists Package. Of course these are unique urls from all the last Auto Approve lists we sold.All of these work in Scrapebox Fast Poster, however this list could be used with any blog commenter that will comment to those platforms. Once this pack is sold out, you will receive an additional supplement Auto Approve EDU list to make up for any dead/404d links that build up over the month.

by: Margarito Credo

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