subject: Laser In Dental Care [print this page] . One of the greatest advantages of laser in dental treatments probably lies in its incredible adaptability: it is well suited both to the general practices that each patient may need at some time in their life, and on the other hand it applies beautifully to the needs of cosmetic treatments for the teeth. Furthermore, laser offers one of its peculiar points of pride - its extraordinary precision. But that's certainly not all that dental laser has to offer.
Although no one has fun during a visit at any doctor's, something makes trips to the dentist's particularly reviled by most patients, so much that jokes are made on the matter. The fact is that it is a hard to find person who feels perfectly peaceful when entering the dentist's office, and the sight and most of all sound of the typical tools found there, like the insistent whine of the conventional electric drill, don't help. Laser helps in this regard, as dental laser tools are utterly silent.
But even more than fear, what most of us actually hate about visiting the dentist's is the possibility of feeling pain - which ends up in the issue of anaesthesia. For some patients, it might be a problem, due to personal risks of hypersensitivity or heart issues; at the same time, for the dentist, applying anaesthesia becomes an additional risk and responsibility. Fortunately, most of the treatments administered with dental lasers are practically painless, thus obviating any need for anaesthesia, which solves the problem and at the same time brings down office costs for supplies. Laser's accuracy also allows to limit the damage to a very specific area, and to clot the blood as soon as a blood vessel is touched - factors which, when combined, result in the possibility of operating without a need for subsequent stitching. Since , as we said, the treated zone can be defined very precisely, and no anaesthesia or stitching are needed, the comfort level for even complex interventions goes up dramatically.
A final advantage of laser operations lies in recovery times for the patient. Since, as we said, damage is decreased, anaesthesia not needed, and stitches bypassed by instant clotting, a lot of the patients will leave their dentist's office without a trace of the treatment they've just completed, which will allow for extremely quick healing - if any at all - and instant return to work, school, and general everyday activities. Such immediacy of results and lack of downtime is a great advantage to patients, who will need not worry about being forced to take days off from work or school, and will thus prefer to work with a dentist who has a care for their time as well as their health.
by: Franklin Asbill
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