subject: Pros And Cons Of A Travel Printer [print this page] We are all witnessing the fast development of the market, especially in the technology department. Travel printers are the next generation of standard printers, but more in the terms of practicality instead of quality. They can be small and light just enough to be carried in your bag or a purse. Usually they offer the same if not greater quality of printed documents.
Analyze your job requirements and decide whether a traveling printer is something you would like to invest your money and efforts in. Obviously, if you're often on the road and have to deal with a lot of documents, portable travel printer may present itself as a valuable time saver for you.
Vast variety of travel printer choices ensures fit for all, including the most demanding customer needs. Be sure to analyze your own requirements and choose from a palette of printers offering different functionalities, sizes, weights, designs, and last but not least the quality of printing.
Travel printers are usually concentrated on one particular functionality, for example, printing photos. It is better to buy a specialized printer than a multifunctional one because stuffing great number of features will only lessen the quality of each function separately. It's best to think twice about what you need than to acquire some printer which options you will never use.
As standard printers, the travel versions also come with a different numbers of color inks. The more inks the printer has the easier it will match the exact colors of the document/photo. This is especially important for picture printing, where wide range of colors is an imperative for good quality.
You can always opt for buying some of the black & white printers. They even come with functionality of adding sepia tone to images. Grayscale printers are generally less expensive.
The whole purpose of travel printers is to save you some time. With them you don't have to be in your home or office in order to print some documents. This way all you need is a laptop or a hand held device or even some better cell phone that carries the documents. Some printers can even print photos directly from the camera, so you don't even need a computer. Just plug the camera in and print directly.
And last but not least is the price of these products. One might think that travel printers cost a fortune. Although this was true in the moment when they appeared on the market but now the situation is entirely different. Due to high customer demand and advancement of the tech World, to buy a travel printer you will need almost the same amount of money as for some standard (desktop) printer.
by: Frank Sanderson
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