subject: 10 Tips To Kick Start Your Video Marketing Campaign [print this page] Marketing with video is a free marketing strategy. As with most free marketing strategies, you can get significant benefits and create sufficient leads for your network marketing business without paying a dime. That is, if you do a few things in order and you make sure you are consistent and patient in your marketing efforts.
It is easier to rank a video
Online video has incredible potential and is an open terrain for any diligent, hardworking and entrepreneurial marketer. If you start today, your efforts will produce visible results and benefit your network marketing business.
But be warned. To get fresh mlm leads with video marketing, you need to adhere to Googles regulations.
It is easier to rank with promotion videos compared to traditional SEO ranking. It is much easier to rank high on a specific video for a specific keyword. Google ranks and evaluate videos before content. This free marketing strategy, when done correctly, can give fantastic results nearly overnight.
Tips to get the fundamentals right
Make sure you comply with these steps when you configure your video marketing campaign:
1) Open only one YouTube account on your service provider account. Have one Youtube account for every IP address
2) Create your own Youtube profile and add your detail to your channel.
3) Use your Youtube channel to brand you as a leader. Provide value in your videos and do not talk about your network marketing business
4) How to videos are very useful if you use them to educate and train and show your value. Use a faint watermark of your website URL where people can explore your offerings if they are interested
5) Before you even make your first video do thorough keyword research for the keywords you would like to rank for
6) Make high quality videos to promote the keywords you want to rank for in your articles and videos
7) Use your keywords in the video title, video tags and video description. The description should be telling the visitor why they should listen to the video. What benefits will they get?
8) Create at least one group and create a playlist when you have more than one video uploaded. This will make your videos easier to find when people are sorting for groups and playlists.
9) Do not spam your video description, title or tags with keywords to try to increase the ranking of your videos
10) Do not use any software that will add friends automatically, add comments and do ratings automatically and do not upload any duplicate video content
Make sure you get the basic principles right from the start of your video campaign and your videos will rank higher in the search results on Youtube. This in turn will lead to more views and targeted traffic to your website. And the best part... it is not costing you anything.
Get video marketing training and training on other free marketing strategies if you want to explode your network marketing business.
by: Melanie Kok
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