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subject: How To Start Making Money Online [print this page]

How To Start Making Money Online

There was a figure that was released two weeks ago which said that 150 000 people start online for the first time every day. This sounds a bit exaggerated but even if it is only half true there is a lot of people joining the billions of people that are already online.

It will not be long before most of these 150 000 people who start on the Internet try their hand at making money online. This simply means that the make money online niche which is currently the largest niche market online will just be getting bigger.

The problem is that most of these people will more than likely first get exposed to a website which promises them the world with some new automated software that does not work as promised. You and I know very well what these sites are and have no doubt seen hundreds of them.

There are currently teenagers making millions online by doing affiliate marketing and selling these gimmicks that doesnt work. So the point is to try and encourage these new people to first do some research on these products before they take out their credits cards.

But better still is the option of paying by using PayPal which gives the buyer 45 days in which to claim a refund if the product does not work as described in the sales page. This is a major benefit and will probably be something that these new people will learn in time.

But there are some websites out there that actually do keep their promises and deliver exactly what they say on the sales page. If there was going to be any good advice given to these new people it would have to be in the form of finding a websites where they give you the goods BEFORE you make money.

There are not a lot of websites like this but there are a few and it is like finding a diamond in the rubble. There is a website online that will give you all the training and templates that you need to start for only $1. There are also websites that will do it all for you including the marketing.

If there is any disadvantage of joining a website that does all the marketing and promotions for you then it must be that you cannot change the affiliate website that they give you. But there is a program that you can join which guarantees that it will pay you every ten days without fail.

by: forestnome

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