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subject: Can Your Shipping Company Help With International Shipments? [print this page]

More and more companies today are expanding not just outside of their state but outside of their country. Doing business internationally just makes good business sense. After all, the whole world is connected now with the Internet, SmartPhones and low cost long distance and there is no reason to limit yourself when you have a product to sell. Of course, when you choose to do business in other countries, you'll need to be sure you have a good plan to get the goods you are selling to those countries.

One option when you are considering shipping internationally is to do all of the research and legwork yourself. You would need to find out what import paperwork was required in the country you were shipping to and what export paperwork was required when your item left from the United States. You would need to check into what items could be shipped to the country you were doing business in and what items were prohibited. You'd need to find out the rules for customs in the country your products are going to, and likely find a customs broker to help you out with information and with facilitating the entry of your items into the country. Finally, you would need to consider tax issues and any other special requirements associated with shipping your items to a foreign country.

All of that sounds like a lot of work- and it is. Once all that work was done, you'd then have to go ahead and send your item to the foreign country where your new customers were and hope that the product arrived safely and on time. If problems developed once your item had left the U.S., you would have to deal with them or hope that your shipper was able to handle the issues for you so your customers weren't disappointed. The whole process could potentially be fraught with complications.

However, there is another much better- alternative. Your best option would be to partner with an established, quality and reliable shipping company that has locations throughout the world and that regularly handles shipments to foreign countries. This shipping company can take care of all of the details and legwork of shipping to another country for you so you don't have to worry about anything at all.

Once you have established your relationship with a shipping company, you would know that you could always trust that company to handle all shipments that you were making- everywhere throughout your vast marketplace in your countries and in the world. You could rest assured that your packages will always get to customers on time, that you will have tracking information available to check the progress of your packages, and that your shipper will help make sure no problems arise and will handle them if they do.

By simply forming a relationship with a shipping company, this means that shipping to another country becomes problem free and selling to marketplaces throughout the world becomes the great option for expanding your business that you always knew it could be. Don't hesitate to take advantage of this great chance- partner with a shipper today.

by: Christine Richard

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