subject: Mlm Recruiting - Top 7 Reasons To Use Article Marketing To Find Mlm Prospects [print this page] Building a large MLM downline is the main goal of anyone involved with an MLM business opportunity. To do this you must implement consistent recruiting efforts using your favorite marketing strategy.
My favorite marketing strategy is content marketing using article writing as the focus. Enjoy my top 7 reasons why you should use article marketing as one of your key MLM recruiting tactics.
1- Directly Advertise Your Product or Service
Article marketing lets you to promote your product, service or expertise without being sales like. Youre authorized to showcase the best of what you represent and let people know the reasons why they should join your team.
2 - Invite Visitors to Your Website
Writing and posting articles in article directories gives you the opportunity to post an active link to any website you choose. This yields you qualified leads that already feel like they know, like and trust you.
3 - Portray Yourself As An Expert
People tend to accept what they read and instinctively assume the author is an verified expert on the subject. It's human instinct to want to follow the best. Advertising yourself as an expert in a particular niche related to your business is one the the fastest methods to become an MLM recruiting guru.
4 - Build Back Links to Your Website
Every article you write and post to article directories forms a link. The more links you create the higher you will rank in the search engines. One of the swiftest ways to the first page of google is a lot of back links.
Another perk is that blog owners and on-line newsletter publishers will pick up and use your articles. This further increases your number of back links and demonstrates your expertise even more.
5 - Establish A Mini-Sales Force For Your Business
As you write and post content it remains on the web. Every where your article is put it remains...acting like a seasoned sales person who is a perfect representative of you and your business opportunity.
Writing more articles increases your premium sales force exponentially. Imagine having 50 highly skilled, passionate sales people (articles) talking about your MLM business opportunity night and day around the world!
6 - Position Yourself As A Leader
People are automatically attracted to those who portray themselves as leaders. Leaders are positive and inspirational. Let that be evident in your writing especially when talking about subjects that you are good at. Positioning yourself as a leader is essential if you want to create a large downline.
7 - Increase Your Self-Confidence
Recruiting a large downline for your MLM requires a positive mindset and a large degree of confidence. People desire to be mentored by leaders who are knowledgeable and confident.
Look into and write about topics that will improve your leadership skills and communication abilities. The more you know, the more able you are to share and give value to your potential recruits, team and for that matter the world.
Copyright (c) 2010 Rebecca Kimes
by: Rebecca Kimes
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