subject: Get A Great Deal On Your Car Insurance Coverage [print this page] Things are tough for so many folks and we are all trying to find ways to cut costs and save ourselves money every month. We often cut our spending on discretionary things like going out to eat and catching a movie. However, there are things that we have to have each month, necessities. Things like our mortgage, our car payments and car insurance are things that most of us consider to be "must-haves." We all know that we can refinance our mortgage to get a lower rate and lower payments, we can even refinance our cars and accomplish the same thing. However, many don't realize that you can also save money on car insurance if you are willing to take the time to compare rates.
Finding better rates your car insurance is a great way to cut costs and save money in these challenging times. It is important to note that a good deal and sub-standard insurance are not synonymous. It is possible, and even simple, to find better priced insurance with a good, reputable car insurance company.There are just a few basic concepts that will help you in your search for that good deal and we wanted to share them with you.
No, it will not cost you to change car insurance companies - Contrary to popular belief, it will not cost you to change insurance companies. In fact, if you are one of those that pays for your whole 6 month or 12 year policy term up front, if you change companies you will receive a refund for the unused portion of your policy premium and there will you won't be charged for canceling your policy.
If you are willing to speak with a few folks, you will get better rates - In order to find the best price for car insurance, you do need to speak with a few agents and perhaps even a few insurance companies direct. Although there are some great sites out there that allow you to complete one quote form and receive multiple rate quotes, in order to get the most accurate rates it really is best to speak with a few companies after you have completed a quote form. Once you have completed a rate quote request form, you will be advised that agents will be in touch. Agents and direct companies, such as GEICO and Allstate, will then call you to confirm your information and provide you with a competitive rate. It is important to speak with them as it will help ensure you receive the best rates possible.
Big name car insurance companies do offer competitive rates - All insurance companies, even the big brand names, are able to offer great rates on car insurance. Each company must file for rate increases and decreases with each state in which they conduct business (write policies). Once a company files their rates, they can't change them until they file for a rate increase or decrease. Each company uses it's own internal cost structure (marketing, underwriting, claims, etc) to determine their respective rates for each state. As such, just as each company has different operating expenses, each company will have different rates. If two competing companies quote different rates using the same variables, such as location, vehicle type and your driving record, one way for the to remain competitive is to offer discounts. Discounts can greatly reduce the insurance premium you may pay, thereby providing a good deal on your policy.
To really find savings, ask about ALL discounts available - As we noted above, discounts are a great way for car insurance companies to offer competitive rates and for you to save money. Below are some of the most popular discounts that you should be sure to ask each company for & to factor into your competitive quotes:
Good driver discount: are you free of traffic violations, such as speeding? If so, this is a very common discount that will help you save. Safe driver discount: are you accident free? If so, a safe driver discount will also reduce your rates. Student discount: if you are a student and are earning good grades, there is a discount to be had. Note that each company will set it's own GPA requirement for this discount to apply. Multi-car discount: not only is it easier to manage if you have all of your cars insured with same company, but if you do use one insurer for all of your vehicles your company will likely offer you a discount. Low miles: perhaps you only drive a few miles each day, if so you will save on your rates Anti-theft equipment:
In summary, finding a better rate on your car insurance is not only possible, but it is simple. You will need to invest a little bit of time to complete a quote form on a reputable site, talk with a few agents. Be sure to ask about discounts, chances are you will find substantial savings. And remember, it won't cost you to switch companies. Insurance companies want to grow their policy base and they want your business. And yes, they are willing to compete for it. So, get started now and apply a few basics, you will be glad to took the time.
by: Marc Berry
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