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Middle East Ict Is Gaining Impetus Globally

RNCOS in its latest report, Middle East ICT Market Analysis, says Information and communication technologies (ICT) have emerged as the potential sector in the Middle-East region. ICT market has witnessed significant growth over the past few years with visible growth across every industry verticals. This growth is mainly backed by the liberalization of the ICT market, intense competition, and dynamic demographics of the Middle-East region. The region has been experiencing the rapid adoption of new technologies, with huge potential in Online Gaming and 4G.

Research Analysis and Highlights

Our report, Middle East ICT Market Analysis, which extends over 125 pages provides a detailed research and rational analysis of the current status and expected position of the ICT Market in various countries. We have comprehensively studied the IT and ICT markets of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain. The report deeply analyzed and forecasted the IT market, mobile subscribers, fixed telephone line subscribers, Internet and broadband subscribers till 2015.

On studying the potential growth areas, we observed that the IT outsourcing is creating a pool of opportunities for the global IT giants to expand their operations, and 4G is all set to gain a bigger share in the market. Also, the demand for IPTV has been consistently rising in the region. Our research report has critically evaluated such factors, which are fuelling the market growth.

Some of the reports key highlights include:

- The IT market in Turkey is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of around 11.5% during 2012-2015.

- Mobile subscriber base in Saudi Arabia will grow at a CAGR of around 6% between 2012 and 2015.

- Smart phones in Middle East are gaining momentum.

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by: Shushmul Maheshwari

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