subject: How Much Maternity Leave Pay You Require? [print this page] The answer to the question that how much maternity leave pay you require is that it depends. The amount of the pay is completely dependent on several factors. Those factors are earning of your spouse, level of fixed spending, your pregnancy health, and the overall health as well. Many women are not successful in getting the pay for the leave.
Earning of the spouse
The earning of your spouse is a very important consideration when budgeting and planning for a new baby. The majority of the husbands are the bread-winners. In the early times, there was the concept that the man of the home was the sole earner while the wife used to stay at home. Things have changed now. While most of the husbands earn quite enough to cope with the everyday costs of the house, many women also work in order to support the household. This means that many households now have a woman as the basic bread-winner. In such households, it is very vital to plan for the substitute income of the mom during the time of her maternity leave.
Current spending level
Very common these days are households where the expenses are more than the income. Though both the wife and the husband are earning, the spending habits tend to keep the costs high. Many of the two income homes have purchased many things like car, furniture and other things on credit. Banks usually have no issues in lending money to households which have stable incomes. And the households where both partners earn tends to display more reliability and assurance of the repayment. This happens till the couple decides to start a family. The pregnancy of the wife means that there will be a loss of her income for at least 6 weeks during her maternity leave. Apart from that, there are high medical bills and additional costs of clothing and feeding the new child.
Your pregnancy health
Pregnancy means that there will be a minimum of 6 weeks loss of income during the time of the maternity leave. Around 30 percent of the pregnancies have deliveries via surgery which adds further 2 weeks to the recovery and there are chances of infection as well. Around 25 percent of the pregnancies experiences more than one complication which means that the mom will have to miss some more time from the work. Apart from that, many women also have to extend their leave so that they can recover from several delivery complications like postpartum, depression, hemorrhage etc.
Many couples get short on their budget for such events when they plan for a family. Everyone wants a happy pregnancy and delivery. But according to the reality there can be complications which can arise. If the couple falls into the category of the households where the spending is more than the income, then financial issues can arise for sure during the maternity leave. Thus it is very important to plan everything properly.
by: Carlita Morandi
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